Monday, September 7, 2009

Ugly Guy Gone! Already Spent The Money!

Can you believe it?!! I never dreamed that the ugly guy from the basement was worth that much or I'd a dug him out and put him on Ebay before now! I believe he's been down there at least 3 years or more. I'm hoping the buyer is pleased with him! He's all packaged up and ready for his trip to Michigan.

What is it about this old junk that calls my name? I have been behaving pretty good all summer. Had to slack off going to any sales due to time and money! So what do I do.......before I even GET the money for the Ugly Guy? You guessed it. My friend Lisa called me Sat. and said she had driven by a garage sale sign that started at noon out by her cabin. Pretty far out in the tullies as we say around here. Did I want to go? She said it looked pretty interesting.......Uh No....I better not......Well........ just give me a minute to get my shoes on and call Hubby to let him know we are just taking a little drive okay?

Three hours later we had my little car pretty well stuffed with stuff. The big old rusty wheelbarrow for 5.00( for flowers next spring) and the cute old wooden fire wood box (25.00) took up the most room. Hubby shook his head as I backed the car into the driveway towards the garage. 'Always a bad sign' he usually says....when I back the car into the driveway.

Well, judge for yourself from the photo I took after I got it all out of the car. I tried to really think about all this before I bought it. But my downfall was when the guy running the sale said as he handed Lisa and I two Walmart plastic bags "anything you can stuff into this bag is going for 3.00 a bag!" Lisa grabbed hers and began digging under the tables. I found a brand new Black and Decker Steam Iron and didn't have room in my bag. No problem, Lisa already had a second bag going and had room in hers.

So the story goes.........We had treasures galore and room for more!! I am thrilled with the old crow decoy I got for 2.00 and a very very old black and orange Witches hat for 25 cents. Some of the goodies are going to be used for my outdoor scare crow display.......coming soon in the next blog post or two.....Thanks to all you super sweet gals and guys for commenting and following my blog. I had fun with with this Ugly Guy thing! I hope you all had a relaxing and fun Labor Day Weekend!

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