Saturday, August 29, 2009

Shopping In Small Town USA For Country Primitives

What is it this time of year that gives me the urge to drive the backroads to small villages in our area? One reason was the opening day for the fall season of my favorite country gift shop in Ridgeland, WI. Ridgeland is a tiny village nestled in the rolling hills of farm country with a population of 250. The little shop I visit is in the home of a gracious and lovely lady. She calls her shop Village Homestead. I never leave there without loading up on fall accents like twiggy bittersweet wreaths, samplers, braided mats, Lang and Legacy calendars, candles, etc. She always has just the right thing I am looking for despite the shop being ever so small. I drive 30 miles to get there and have for many years now. She is so appreciative and you leave there with only good thoughts and the feeling that you are supporting our small cottage businesses. So important in these times.
The old general store ( currently an antiques shop) in the photo above is in another little town near Ridgeland called Dallas. Population even less than Ridgeland. The old sign on the side of the building is starting to fade away but the colors are still fascinating to look at. Something about that mossy green against the rust bricks. I am visualizing these colors in a fall rug or penny rug. Inspired to look for more colors I spotted another old building across the street that is housing a gunsmith shop. Yes, it is still in business. I gather that there is always a need for a gunsmith in these parts. I marvel at these old run down buildings and even more the people who are making a living out of them. There is beauty, respect, intrigue, inspiration if you look for it. It did my heart good today to get in the car and  drive the backroads to do business with people who appreciate you and work hard to make a living in the smallest of communities. God bless small town USA.

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