Wednesday, September 9, 2009


On my brain the last few days: Making a scare crow. Last fall we took our favorite drive to Bayfield, Wisconsin just before they had their famed Apple Festival. The town was decked out with scarecrows from one end to the other. Some of them were your classic scare crow like in the Wizard of Oz, but most were just plain wierd. The wierd ones were my favorites of course.

This year I am bound and determined to have one or possibly a few scare crows on our front lawn for the neighbors to enjoy. So I'm taxing the old brain again to come up with some ideas. It may take me a few days to get them done and in place. If they are willing (smile) I will take a few photos and share with you. In the meantime click on the photos I took in Bayfield in the Flickrin above and they will enlarge for your viewing pleasure. Let me know which is your favorite. Now I'm off to see the scare crow supply wizard!


  1. Hi Cathy

    I love your scarecrow display. I will soon be on my way from the island to the Mainland and hope to take lots of pictures. I can blog on the road, so I will keep in touch!


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