Thursday, August 27, 2009

Showing Off What I Won!

I can't help myself! I had to show off a little here! Look at the adorable apple pinkeep I won from Laurie at Prairies Edge Primitives! It looks like it's been with my antique sewing and pincushion collection forever! What a treat for me right now! If you haven't checked out Laurie's website and blog you really need to get over there! She knows her stuff and her fine high quality shows through in all her lovely wool and designs. I hope to meet her in person soon at the Hook-in in Stillwater, Mn. She'll be the hardworking vendor with the best looking booth I'm sure! Thank-you Laurie for a terrific give-away on your blog!

I haven't signed up for too many give-aways on blogs yet! I have it in my head that I never win anything anyway! But see, there is hope! Anybody can win if I can! I'd like to have a giveaway for something soon on my own blog. But what should the glorious prize be? Hmmmmmm......I know....the Ugly Guy from my last blog post!!! Oh FEAR Not. He will be making a trip via Ebay soon! Maybe my 20th post would be a nice milestone for a giveaway. I'll think of something by then.

The Fall season is trucking on in isn't it? I dug out some of those cute white resin Jack-o-Lantern pumpkins I bought last year and set them about. Just for a hint of Halloween. I don't want to rush it. This year I want to savor each turning leaf, each frosty morning, the sound of acorns dropping on the roof ( or is that noise that dang mouse who insists on perfecting her nest quite noisily in the attic again?) I've just begun to perfect OUR nest around here for the fall season and intend to drag it out till the first snowflake twinkles.


  1. Your cute little pin keep looks right at home. Can't wait to see your give-away!

  2. You are so lucky--a very cute pin keep.
    Please, please, please let's keep summer here a little while longer. I can't bear to think of the shorter days of fall. Oh wait, that will make more time for hooking! I guess that won't be so bad after all.

  3. Lucky you to win that darling pin keep! Looks right at home with your other things.


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