Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sittin' on the Dock by the Bay......

As summer wanes here in northern Wisconsin, I am realizing how precious the sights and sounds of the season are to behold. My hubby Dave captured  a couple of moments while we were visiting my friend Lisa at her cabin the other day.  A gorgeous green frog, the loons calling, the day was as perfect as they come.  Lisa and I along with one of my dogs Max, sat on the dock.   Lisa my friend, you have been a Godsend these last few months while dealing with my Mom's illness.  Countless times I have called her when I  felt like I just couldn't deal with any more.  She came flying at the drop of a hat when I was at the vet with my dogs and couldn't make it  home in time for Mom's eyedrops.  It's so nice  that her house is only a couple of hundred feet from mine!

  About two weeks ago both of Lisa's pet Cockatoo birds accidently escaped out her door.  The neighbors and friends all around have been calling for Rosie (a male)  and Lilly( female) while searching the treetops with our binoculars.    What's funny is,  we have two older ladies living in the neighborhood that are named Rose and Lilly.  How funny is that....However,  I think they thought it was a bad joke that everyone kept calling their names all hours of the night and day!  I told Lisa last weekend she better just get over it, those birds probably were never coming back..................more on that later.

I wanted to add a couple of gorgeous photos Dave took of hummingbirds out on our deck the other day, but I am so new to this blogging format I can't figure out how to get them to load at the bottom instead of at the top of my blog. I am trying to make this blog look somewhat professional, for a total non-professional...sheesh!! So look for the hummingbird photos in a seperate post for now I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos! Kara asked me if the frog was real! Your blog is looking pretty good for being an amateur! I can't wait to start on mine:)


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