Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rosie's Vacation

Hello pretty bird! Where have  you been?
  If you read my last post to the end, you know that my friend Lisa's bird Rosie, flew the coop two weeks ago.  Well, you probably won't believe this but he arrived home yesterday with nary a feather harmed.  Lisa called me crying like a baby that Rosie had been found!  I couldn't believe it until I went over there and saw him with my own two eyes. Here's the story which is hard to imagine.  
Right after Rosie and Lisa's other bird Lilly went missing, she called the local Pet Shop here in town to tell them to be on the lookout for her two Cockatoo birds.  I thought that was a good idea but never imagined that anyone would find them alive and actually return them.  Such pretty and expensive birds they are.  They are really affectionate birds  and get very attached to their owners. Well, yesterday morning upon arriving to work, the Pet Shop owners found a shoe box on the front steps with Rosie inside.  They didn't know for sure but thought he probably belonged to Lisa. A note on the box said only to please take care of this bird and try to find the owners.   The phone call to Lisa's husband sent him to tears and he frantically tried to get Lisa on her cell.  It's obvious  these Cockatoo owners get as attached to their birds as the birds to them.  As soon as Lisa got the news my phone was ringing.  I grabbed the camera and got to Lisa's to find Rosie safe and sound and talking up a storm in loud bird garble to Lisa.  It was as if he was trying to tell her about all the places he'd been and all the things he'd been through this past two weeks.  Perhaps about the nasty crows in the neighborhood who chased him through the tall pines that grow here.
So now we have Rosie back with us but still no sign of Lilly.  After witnessing this episode of bird returns home, I now believe that it's entirely possible that  Lilly can follow the flight of her partner.  One can only hope, but in the meantime I know where there is one happy Cockatoo and his even happier human Mom and Dad!

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