Tuesday, August 4, 2009

10 Minutes For A Care Giver

10 minutes you say? Count me in! This challenge is just what I needed to get some of these UFO's completed.    Well, at least on their way to completion.   Normally I am not one with a lot of rugs started and not completed.  Recently I became a care giver.   My Mom, whose 78 became ill on Mother's Day this past May. She is living here now,  facing heart valve replacement soon and a difficult cataract removal after that. I am thinking now that with winter approaching she may be a winter resident here. Life changes with the blink of an eye you see.  I faced many challenges these past few months with her in the hospital for a month and a nursing home stay for a month.  Countless Dr's appointments now and medications, eyedrops, trips to the coumadin clinic,  etc. etc.   Rug hooking has always been a therapy for me of sorts. Needless to say, I need some now.  The above photo is a quick snap of some coasters that I started right before Mom got sick. Actually I was thinking of giving them to her for Mother's day.  If I get them finished now I may still get the opportunity.  So 10 minute challenge here I come.  See if you can stop me now! 
This great idea of a 10 Minute Rug Hooking Challenge was started by April DeConick of Red Jack Rugs! Be sure and click on her link under Blogs I Follow down there in the corner for more info.

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  1. Glad you joined the challenge and figured out how to copy the badge to your blog! Best of luck with your mom, and keep me posted on RED JACK RUGS about your progress. I have added your blog to my RUG BLOG CENTRAL on my sidebar so I'll know whenever you post something new!

  2. Sounds like rug hooking is great therapy for you now. Hope things go well for your mom.

  3. .....and I'm curious about the name you chose for your blog. Would you care to explain?

  4. Thanks everybody for commenting and the well-wishes for my Mom! It's nice to know that I have a few readers already! Gayle, my name OrangeSink is a subject for an upcoming blog! Stay tuned, it is a love-hate subject for me so I am trying to compose it! Blessings everyone! Cathy

  5. Wow, your blog post really touched a chord with me. I am also a care giver to my mother who has Alzheimers. Its not an easy job, is it? Its nice to find a few minutes every evening to lose yourself between a few strands of wool!!
    I have added your blog to my sidebar.


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