Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cat's Paw Design Hand Hooked Wool Rug

I'm looking back at some photos of rugs I hooked earlier this year. This cat's paw rug made me very happy as I was in a total creative slump and needed something to get me back on track. Working with colors that were kind of out of character for me, this rug's color combination sort of evolved as I hooked it.  It has turned out to be the start of a new direction in my hooking.  A willingness to try different colors that I'd never thought I would like.  Each rug I've hooked in the past has usually had some new thing to reveal to me about my likes and dislikes.  
 I am a multi- layered individual, quite complex in nature I guess.   So loop by loop,   I hope to discover just what it is that I am all about! Hmmmmm.... Do any of you rug hookers out there view your work in this way?  It would be interesting to hear your thoughts about this. Look at some of your past works and try and see if they reveal something interesting or surprising about yourself that you've never thought about before.   This is what I love about the creative process of hooking or any other art form for that matter.  We can discover a little bit more about who we are and what makes us tick.   


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