Who is Orange Sink?

My photo
Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Our Second Tuesday Hook-in at Red House Wool Studio~November!

Our second Tuesday of the month Hook-In here at the studio was a fun day even though only about half of our large group were able to attend!  But rest assured the talents and projects were in abundance!
Rhonda models a wonderful sweater she crocheted! Don't you LOVE the color!  I am always impressed with those who crochet garments and big projects!  The extent of my crochet skills is very limited... I have made a few dishcloths. 

Lisa brought a whole pile of cross-stitch projects she is making good progress on!  I think I counted at least half a dozen or so!

She finished stitching this one by Stacy Nash... and it is on it's way to the framer!

Another wonderful one she is almost done stitching by Stacy Nash... she changed the rifle to a pitchfork and is changing the  the dog to a wheelbarrow!  
Yay Lisa!  Get those samplers done so you can get back to rug hooking!!  LOL!

Holly is looking marvelous in that rust colored sweater... she wears those colors so very well with her auburn hair!  The colors in her projects reflect her color palette as well! 
Holly likes to collect and make things for Christmas that depict the holly plant. So fun!  And did you know she has a brother named Noel?  Her mother loved Christmas!

Nancy finished this little stitchery and brought it along for show and tell!  And these girls with their wonderful sweaters!  I must pay more attention to my wardrobe!!
Nancy is also featured in the blog header with her framed wool applique "Believe"! 
Believe me... the time is marching on! 
Thanksgiving right around the corner and Christmas on it's heels!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

Cathy G

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Remodeling This "Home Sweet Home" Continues!

The long awaited new windows are finally being put in today! My excitement was mixed with a little anxiety as the snow flurries and cold temps yesterday kept me wondering how we were going to survive during the time the old windows came out and new ones put in!  
Our small dining area is windows all around and a door which is also being replaced. 
Oh and the bedroom windows too... so lots of work going on here today!

Yup that's snow on the deck railing!  Surprisingly enough the day is rather mild and Max and I are staying quite cozy through it all with a little space heater going in the living room!  It's only about 39 degrees outside!

The large front window is in.  It replaced two double hung side windows and a picture window.

A new door awaits to replace the old screen door and door.  I like the style of the old one but it is not very energy efficient and is rotting away slightly too. So it's time!

Here's a pic I took earlier this Fall before the snow!  I can't wait to see the difference the new windows will make!

This is a little antique sampler I found a while ago while antiqueing with some friends. It is framed under glass so couldn't get a very good photo.  I love the misspelled word "thers"! 
My header photo is a rug I hooked recently for a dear client.  It is my "Home Sweet Home" design.  
While in the midst of all the remodeling we've done lately I keep thinking how fortunate we are to be able to make these changes.
I do like to keep things simple and sometimes the changes to an older home involve more time and money than we'd anticipated.
But.. it is our home and we'd like to live here for years to come God willing!
It's getting sweeter by the minute..  so stay tuned for those "after" photos!

Cathy G