Friday, March 3, 2017

Hacked on FaceBook!

What a fiasco this past week!   One day ( can't remember which one at this point) I started getting messages on my phone and email that my friends and family were receiving messages from a scammer that was posing as me!   It was apparent that my FaceBook account had been taken over by some low slime somewhere and was being used to try and deceive my friends into getting involved in a money making scheme!
Thank goodness most people are aware of this kind of thing going on as some have had their own accounts hacked.
Changing my password a couple of times didn't seem to remedy the situation.
To make a long story short, I spent a couple of days (grrrrrrr) trying to get it all straightend out.  I ended up closing my accounts and starting over with new ones.
One thing I learned and which isn't a surprising fact at all.... there is not a phone number available on FaceBook that you can just pick up and call for assistance!
Nope,  you're only hope is to click your little fingers off on the keyboard and follow countless instructions and basically end up fixing the problem yourself.
Patience wearing thin... almost came close to closing the damned account for good.... but it just rubbed me the wrong way to let some sleezy hacker win the battle!

If you were friends with me prior on FaceBook and wish to remain so, send me a new friend request.
I've updated the FaceBook link on my side bar here too.
The new name for my Red House Wool Studio account is Red House Wool Studio2

The wool applique' piece I'm working on is a pattern by Cheri Payne called Old Wool Hare!  What fun to piece this one together! 
My days have been busy.. painting the bathroom, cleaning and sorting, customers in the studio, and this weekend I have two lovely ladies 
coming for a beginning rug hooking class!  They are sisters!
It makes my heart glad... to once again be teaching and sharing my love for rug hooking...
even though I haven't pulled one single loop myself for weeks...sigh...
Let's hope that changes real quick!

Cathy G


  1. This social media hacking is a huge pain. I hope that your fb account will be back a safe place for your fb friends to go to. I myself have closed my fb account several years ago and I'm so glad I did. Our identity isn't safe anymore because of those scummy thieves

    I'm glad you are getting in the teaching groove again. That Easter Basket wall hanging is very sweet.
    Spring is nor far away but it's cold again this morning. At least, the cold is keeping the river from rising too fast as we had a big melt lately.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Love this Cheri banner! Glad to be following the real you again on Facebook :)
    Blessings, Patti

  3. so sorry about the hack...but there is Karma.
    the applique is adorbs! :)

  4. Love your wool applique and hate that slime ball too!!!!

  5. It is a pain, I try to stay away from any postings that are shared from outside sources, hackers like to have fun at other's expense. Love that pattern and the wools you are using, that is really fun.


  6. Unfortunately, hacking is so common on Facebook. I hope you never experience it again. BTW, nice wool designs you listed on this blog post. Waiting for more designs...Good Luck!


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