Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Trying to be a little kind to myself here.  What I really mean is I'm very disappointed in my latest rug I designed.
I had high hopes.

I struggled with the design, the colors, the wool choices.

  Rug measures 16 by 28.  I hooked it in two days after finally admitting to myself I didn't like it.
Figured I had so much hooked ( over half) that I just wanted to get it over with!
I'll say I did enjoy pulling some loops though as it's been quite some time since I've hooked. 

Debated whether or not to go public with it.  But decided to swallow my pride. 
I know what "they" ( the analysts) have said, you need to make art ( rugs) even if they're bad.
We learn and grow through this experience.
Maybe so... I wouldn't want to make too many rugs I don't like. The backing and wool aren't as cheap as watercolors and paper! 
It's not that I don't have other rugs I've made that don't exactly flip my switch.
We all have made them... right?
It's just that I had this vision... was all excited and just couldn't quite pull it off!

So now what?
I think I will get out my dye pots!
How bad can one screw up dyeing wool?  

There's always a need for antique black background colors.

Cathy G


  1. Oh no ! You have to pull out some more wool & try again ! We all have those hick-ups ..... someone will just Love it !

  2. What don't you like about it Cathy? I find it very charming. True what they say about beauty being in the eye of the beholder!

  3. The only time I was disenchanged with a rug I designed is when I tried to go outside my comfort zone using colors usually not in my crayola box. I HATED that rug and thankfully someone wanted to buy it. Only regret is that I didn't take a picture of it first. Hated it so much didn't even want to take a photo. I'd like to review it again now tho.

  4. I like it, don't be too hard on yourself.
    Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

  5. We are our own worse critic!
    Hugs :)

  6. There are no mistakes in this rug Cathy, only lessons to learn. Maybe if you use some leaf green and browns like that beautiful Flower Applique you made. I think it might work better but then what do I know... Your pattern is beautiful, don't give up on this one.

  7. No rug is a mistake, each a piece of art in it's own way.
    It is a fun piece for spring though. I am always disappointed with my color choices, I get lazy and I need to take the time to color plan and dye colors I need. And yes, I can mess up the dye pot too, lol, but sometimes I get some great colors that way;)


  8. Cathy ~ I think it is wonderful. It truly makes me think of a garden when I see it!!! :) Doreen

  9. I like the design.'s a GARDEN! This is just my opinion, and I don't know how true the colors are on my monitor, but I think it needs some brighter green. Especially those leaves on the vines that look white on my monitor.
    Thoughts of gardens give hope for spring. I hope it's not too long in getting here!

  10. I like the rug...and I like the colors. Sometimes you have to just go for it...I just painted dots all over my mantle! Color outside those lines!!!

  11. Morning Cathy, I love it!!!!! But understand with you. Hope turns out the way you like, Francine.

  12. There is something in the wind...There have been a few of us in a slump. It is true we are all our worst critics. I haven't dyed in sometime maybe tomorrow if I get a snow day I will get the pots out.


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