Monday, December 5, 2016

Dear Santa... about that new puppy...

This post is kind of a strange one!  I want to show you my latest hooked rug AND..... I have to show you my friend's new little puppy!!  Oh... be still my heart! But first, the rug...

A few  short weeks ago as I began hooking this Belsnickle rug I knew it was too late to get a pattern out before Christmas.  Well I guess I could have... but made the decision to not rush things and add more chaos to my life!  There has been so much to deal with these past couple of months and I just decided... heck with it. If I don't feel like doing something in a rush or at all for that matter... well... I'm just NOT gonna do it!  
So maybe next year when the Christmas Season rolls around I'll have more ambition and release it as a paper pattern.  
I hardly ever add embellishment to my rugs.  My friend Lisa brought me a little piece of antique tinsel and it fit right on the hem of the Belsnickle's coat. She also had a bit of old flax that she gave me for his beard. I do rather like it on this rug.  
Has a feeling of Christmas of olde.

 So many things in my life this past year have been hard to deal with.  I've made it through all of it by the grace of a higher power.  It has to be, as I don't think I could have lived through it all on my own energies.
I know I'm not the only one this Holiday Season that will be going through  dealing with loss of a family member or friend.  I have been keeping Julia, one of our dear sweet blogging friends ( Of Petals and Wool Blog)  in constant thought and prayer as she has lost her beautiful daughter Nicole in October.  If there are others (blog writers or readers)  who have lost someone dear or going through serious illness or know of someone needing special prayers, please leave a comment so we may all keep you in our hearts and minds during the Holidays and beyond.

For so many, this time of year can be difficult.  As the hustle and bustle of the season keeps us in a hurried state of mind, many may need a few moments to sit in front of the fire and reflect.  Or to just  cozy up in our favorite hooking chair with a rug and a cuppa spiced tea to sip as we hook. 
Please take that time... guilt free. Your inner soul will thank you for it.

On a lighter note.... and don't we need to look for those things that bring laughter and cheer amid the sadness in life? 
I'm sure there is a little girl or boy out there somewhere right this minute penning( or texting LOL!)  a letter to Santa... begging the jolly old elf for what else besides Xbox games... a  new PUPPY of course! 
Yes it's an age old practice... people getting puppies at Christmastime.
Having raised two furry babies myself since they were eight weeks old, I know the drawbacks of choosing this time of year to adopt a little bundle of fur! 
But for others, like my sweet friend Lizzy ( I featured her house a few posts back) it may be the perfect time of year to bring a new puppy home to cherish and spoil!  Lizzy lost her beloved pet Scotties this past year and found the house to be a little too quiet without them. 
So let me introduce SALLY....her new little seven week old Scottish Terrier!  OH for sweet! 
She hasn't even had her first grooming yet!
When I held her she was so wiggly and kept snuggling my neck with doggy kisses!  
I felt the weight of the world just lift off my shoulders!
Who can remain downtrodden at the sight of a sweet little all black puppy with eyes taking in all things new!  She is already learning to ring a bell to be let outside to potty!  
Smart as a whip and cute as the devil... who can resist such sweetness! 
Well, I am so darn happy for Lizzy!  
But I know it's not the time for me to take on the challenge of raising a new puppy.  Mine are 14 years old and needing much TLC. 
They're all I can handle for now! 

But for someone out there who could use a new companion and is situated in life to take care of one or more of these precious little souls... 
it may be the time to write Santa a letter,
Yes dear Santa.... about that new puppy....


Cathy G


  1. What a wonderful post Kathy. I so love your Santa! Just so special. We all need to keep so many in our prayers. Thank you for that thought. Enjoy this Christmas season!

  2. Enjoyed reading your post, there seems to be so much sadness and death this year, it saddens my heart. Yesterday they found a woman who had been out hiking and never came back, it is sad since they were in the right area, but didn't find her in time. That puppy is so cute.


  3. Do love the Belsnickle...and that puppy, oh my!!! Prayers that this Christmas will evoke sweet memories despite the difficulties and losses.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful the colors! We all travel down memory lane at Christmas time. Hope your memories will bring a smile to you face. That puppy is yummy!

  5. A wonderful post, Cathy! LOVE your Belsnickle rug! Everything about it is perfection. Such a sweet puppy. They bring such joy into our hearts and homes. My Zoe was a Christmas gift. Nine years ago already. We also trained her to ring a bell to go outside. Sally is adorable! Have a great day. Lori

  6. Love your rug will it be a pattern for sale? Sally is adorable


  7. This is one awesome Belsnickle Rug. Good idea to wait for getting a pattern out too near the holidays. It would take me a year to complete it. Love It and that sweet, adorable Scottie. Plus, I enjoyed the visit.

    As always, Peace for ALL,

  8. May I please ask for prayers for Molly who has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. This loving, giving woman was a nurse for 36 years with children with cancer and now at the age of 57 is dealing daily with constant confusion. She is a pet lover and would love that darling new puppy. She's not a quilter, as I am, or a hooker as you are, but admires it all. Your rug is beautiful and I love the different textures you have hooked into the beard and trim. May you have a blessed Christmas!

  9. Oh dear Cathy, you are such a sweetheart. Thank you so much for your thoughtful gesture. Your Belsnickle Santa is fantastic as all your creations are and that little puppy is adorable.

    I'm actually doing much better emotionally this week. Last week I was sick with a bad sinus cold and and I was a total emotional mess. I blame it on being exhausted and my biorhythm being at an all time low.

    I know my mood affects people around me so I choose to change it to a more positive one and went Christmas shopping. I actually came home feeling a sense of accomplishment.
    Thanks again and take good care of yourself.
    Hugs & much love,

  10. What a heartfelt wonderful post! I have the same sentiments. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in our sadness and our joy! I hope you do make a pattern for this santa. I have some of the old tinsel and love to look at its color and depth and think it a lovely idea to incorporate into a pieced work. It has been sitting in a box waiting for its moment to shine so to speak so I will wait for your pattern. Blessed holidays to you!

  11. Some years are like that, I can barely move or put one foot in front of the other one. I am so glad that you spoke about Julia and Nicole. I will look forward to next year and your sweet Belsnickle Pattern. Your rug is just lovely and Old fashioned. I think puppies can cure anything.
    I will keep you in my prayers Cathy. I hope you have a lovely Christmas.The first Christmas is always so hard.
    Thank you for sharing,

  12. I just Love your Santa ! Our Fur babies give us the best love & support.....ours just had major eye surgery yesterday , but is doing well. He is our precious little bundle of joy . My Mom passed a few weeks ago ....we are looking forward to having our beautiful little grand daughters for Cmas , they will bring us so much joy & happiness. This has been a very sad time for us too. 2017 will be Happy & Healthy !!!

  13. Hi Cathy,
    Beautiful post and just love your new rug! He is just PERFECT!!! That puppy is ADORABLE and I just wish I could reach through the computer and get lots of puppy love!!! I know this has been such a rough year for you and hope that 2017 will be filled with Hope, Joy and Health!! Christmas Blessings to you, my friend!
    Christmas Hugs~

  14. Love your santa! Great post I pray for Julia so much how awful for her.
    love the puppy we are petless and trying to get up the courage to get a dog so hard to lose them.

  15. Great post, Cathy. It is so hard losing a mom. I know all too well. Sending you heartfelt hugs!
    At my hookcrafters meeting today, someone pulled up your Santa on Facebook and if you get a pattern done, you will have many orders from Ohio, me thinks. Just give us plenty of time to hook before next Christmas, pretty please.
    What a sweet, sweet puppy!!!
    Hugs :)

  16. Oh my1 What a sweet puppy! Yep... I think EVERYONE needs a puppy for Christmas!!! :-) Love the Belsnickel mat too. There's that week between Christmas and New Year's that lots of folks take to slow down, relax and enjoy some hobbies... just sayin'. ;-) lol!

  17. Love your Belsnickle and as soon as I saw it thought the addition of the antique tinsel garland really added to the beauty of it. Great job. And who could resist snuggling with a little pup?

  18. Seeing that adorable Scottie brought a smile to my face. I love terriers and among the ones that have owned me were Briar and Doc. Both Scotties lived with me at my little farm - Briar Rose Farm. Last February, I added a new member to my family, a miniature Schnauzer who was a breeder surrender. She isn't a puppy as I can't handle dealing with one. She has helped keep me company after a summer when my father died in July and my mother in September. Both were 93 and had been married for 73 years. Mom could not have lived without him.

  19. Oh, there isn't much better than wiggly snuggles from a new puppy! Love that new pattern too.

  20. Such a sweet puppy - and scotties are my favourites!! Thanks for sharing this post. And I wish you all the best for this bittersweet Christmas season. It is so hard to move into this season after a loss. But as I discovered when I lost my mom 40 years ago, she is with me every Christmas, every birthday, every time I need my Jimminy Cricket. She is my conscience and always there. May you find peace this Christmas. xox

  21. Perfect inspiration :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate.


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