Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Special Bouquet This Thanksgiving

Dear Mom,
The first Thanksgiving without you is not easy.  A beautiful bouquet from Dave this morning has brought some cheer.  The smell of fresh roses and cedar mingle with the smell of turkey roasting in the oven.  I made a gluten free pumpkin pie for dessert and thought of your pie crusts...  how did you ever make them so flaky, tender and just perfect? 
I hope so many who've lost loved ones this past year and may be spending the day alone will find comfort in a memory or two.  
And for everyone making new memories I wish them a most joyous and bountiful Thanksgiving!
Missing you mom,



  1. May you and your family be blessed this Thanksgiving and be filled with memories of your mom, always hard on the holidays.


  2. A blessed Thanksgiving to you and Dave remembering the great memories of your Mom.

  3. Not easy losing mom!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Our conversation at the table was about those we have lost and miss so much.
    happy thanksgiving

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! The table seating changes on who is at the table at Thanksgiving as the years go by. I just realize how blessed to have happy memories of Thanksgiving past. Hugs cheri

  6. Lovely flowers!
    Hard going on sometimes.
    I think I spent the first year after my Mom passeed, marking the holidays, saying things like, "this is my first so and so with out Momma"
    I think I made it harder on myself by doing that.
    Time does help, but it does take some of that.
    Hugs, and blessings

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