99 bolts of wool. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bolts of wool on the wall!
Do I have you singing?
It's kind of a tricky little ditty. LOL!
The past couple of days I've been trying to organize my wool for the studio. Seems the bolts of wool were scattered around in various places throughout the house.... and oh my gosh... I didn't realize I had accumulated so MANY!
That big shelf above the fireplace in our living room has always been a decorating nightmare for me.
It's so looooongggg! And.... and... wait a minute.... just the perfect width for a bolt of wool!
And the idea hit me like a bolt of wool!!
Why not get all those bolts organized into one place!
It's so wonderful now! I can prance right up... pick the one I need... and merrily carry it off to the studio to be cut and ready to dye!
And say nothing of how soothing it is to my OCD! Have you noticed how I love to have my wool all stacked and neatly put on shelves?
Works for me! Better than taking prozac!
I want to share a beautiful finish of one of my designs by Karin Manuel!
My breath was taken away by the beautiful hooking and her great wool choices! The rooster is delightful and seems to be crowing about Spring being right around the corner!
Could it be so?
Thank you Karin for sending the pic and your permission to share it with my readers!
The pattern is available in my Etsy Shop!
I'm off to count bolts... 99 bolts of wool on the wall.... la la la la la!!!
Cathy G