If you have followed my blog these past few years you know that I care for my mother who is 85. A few years ago she had a valve replaced in her heart after a bout with staph infection. That was in 2009. She's had her ups and downs these past few years but has been in pretty good health.
Sunday morning we got a phone call from her and I could tell she was in trouble. She was having difficulty breathing and to make a long story short I ended up taking her to the ER. After a 5 hour wait ( with care and tests) she was admitted to the hospital.
The diagnoses was CHF or Congestive Heart Failure.
Two days in the hospital with an IV drip of medicine cleared the fluid build up and her breathing returned to normal.
Yesterday she came home and is doing really well. We'll have follow up Dr.s appointments and a list of things we've decided not to put off any longer like getting her a Life Line. Even though we live next to her I think of the times when maybe she can't get to the phone or should fall.
So my heart is happy that things turned out so well these past few days, but my heart also tells me there are days ahead for which we must prepare.
Before all this happened I had made good progress on my new heart rug....
.... in fact pretty much got it all hooked.
I love to study the individual hearts that surround the main heart in the middle of the oval shaped rug.
Each wool hooking up so different yet in shades that play off wools in the other hearts.
This one is my favorite. It's a wool called Jack in the Beanstalk from Heaven's to Betsy.
So sometimes my hooking, designing, caring for things in my business and caring for those in my family as well as caring for my own health ( more to come on that subject) can get a bit overwhelming. And I know there are many who read my blog that are in the same and even more diffiicult situations.
I believe we all have good hearts....
and strengths to pull us through each trial and difficulty we may be having.
The heart is tested at times...
Hearts can fail.... but they can heal.
From my heart to yours,
Cathy G