STRESS! Oh my... I had a much different blog post planned for today than this one. But I think what I have to say many of you can relate to. It had been going on here for a few days, a feeling of soreness and tightness in my chest. An uncomfortable pain going around to my upper back and at times deep into my heart muscle.
Thinking it would just go away, I'd lay with a heating pad and tried resting on and off between writing Christmas cards, dealing with a stack of bills and continuing my daily rituals of insulin shots for my pooch with diabetes and on and on. With news on FaceBook of friends and family going through major difficulties, my mind just couldn't shut out all the problems close to home let alone those things going on in countries far far from here that I had absolutely NO control over!
After I started feeling pretty bad yesterday morning, I decided to give a triage nurse a call and talk over my symptoms... just to see if I should make an appointment with my Dr. I guess I should say it didn't surprise me when she was ready to call an ambulance right then and there!
I explained that I'd been having these symptoms for a few days and didn't think that I was in a full panic heart attack mode but she calmly explained that women are different. Our symptoms can be way more subtle than men's... not like you see on TV where they are grasping their chests and falling to the ground!
We then decided it was okay if Dave drove me to the hospital since we live only a mile or two away. .. and if he got me there in the next five minutes!
Dave was home from work in a few minutes and we were on our way to the ER where I was admitted faster than you can say Merry Christmas!
EKG buttons attached, X-rays ordered, blood tests and then a CT scan followed.
To make this story short and sweet.... I wasn't having a heart attack!
Whew! I dodged a bullet! What was causing all this distress and pain?
They did find that my esophagus had a little swelling...hence the feeling of fullness when I swallowed. And of course my old thyroid problems, which are chronic and for which I'm under a Dr.s care... sort of... may have contributed.
So I was released with orders to REST for a few days... follow up with my Doc after Christmas.
So today is my Birthday.
They noticed that on my records yesterday in the ER.
I told them I decided to make the call to come in and get checked as I didn't necessarily want to die on my Birthday!
Nurse laughs and says "my my, listen to miss negative here"!
Thinking of ways I can try and DEstress my life today... on my 63rd birthday.
I think it's time to quit all the nonsense of worrying about things I have absolutely NO control over and maybe UNPLUG from world news, FaceBook, phones and whatever..
Hard to do. I love my online friends and family and that seems to be the only way we keep in touch these days.
But maybe a little less of it... a little less working around the clock( with a business in your home you don't get much of a break).
The Winter Solstice ( which is what I had originally planned to write this post on) is a time to turn inward... maybe make a few of those changes. Think of precious little things surrounding us that get over looked in all the RUSH!
The word here folks should be "HUSH"....... notice the little birds flitting about in the snow and the rabbit who silently hopped across the backyard in the moonlight.
This great earth is turning on it's axis... ever so slowly in the vastness of space.
Our days are filled with magical happenings
far removed from the violence and the hatred.
I need and I suspect others reading these words need .. to take note.
So Celebrate the Season, Sing and Rejoice!
It' good for the heart!
We make the Choice!
Quiet Christmas Blessings Dearest Friends and Family!
Cathy G