Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Snow Storm Fizzles and Challenge Rug Sizzles!

Well the six inches of snow we were supposed to get last night REALLY fizzled out!  Darn ( not really... tee hee)!  But for those who depend on it for a living and love it to play in I send my condolences!
There's a scant one inch or so on the ground and it's 34 degrees ouside making things slushy and wet. So weird for December in the north woods of Wisconsin.
I'll take it!

In other news here in the household... the scraggly tree has been banned to the deck! ALREADY you may be asking?  Yep... I'm not a fan of sweeping little tiny pine needles up every other minute and I particularly don't like them sticking in my socks... I can still see it very nicely though and I think it prefers being outside where an occasional bird or two may land to peck at it's branches. We are both happier in our respective habitats! 

Well... as for my challenge rug sizzling...  I just thought it made a catchy title for this post!  But it really is moving along and if sizzling fits the way I feel when I'm hooking away I guess it's a fitting adjective! 
Sitting under this long rug while hooking has been keeping me quite toasty on these cold winter evenings.  Not to the point of sizzling but I will miss it when I'm done hooking it!  I drag it out into the living room and all the wool strips etc. so I can watch a little HGTV in the evenings!

This is all there is left to hook!  Thank goodness as I'm getting pretty sick of those reruns!  But HEY! My favorite show Fixer Upper is ALL NEW TONIGHT!  
Do you watch?  
Can't wait!  

Cathy G


  1. Your rug is wonderful! Love the colors. and the squirrel is fabulous, love the tails. Almost wants me to reach out and touch the "fur". You got enough snow for now to make it pretty for a day or two without all the labor of shoveling. I think you tree has it's perfect place on the porch. Make some bird seed pine cones and the birds will come to fee.

  2. Your rug looks great, Cathy! Wish I'd work on mine!! And I love your wash tubs and greenery ~ looking very festive there!

  3. I am coming to the end of my rug too. No snow for us but freezing rain I would take a foot of snow to freezing rain.

  4. It's beautiful, and I love those colors!

  5. I enjoyed your blog - perhaps the first time I've read it - linked to it from Facebook. Like Alice, I love the wash tubs and greenery. In fact I plan to fix one of our tubs to go on the stump of a big maple tree that was cut down today. It seems like just the thing to cheer up that empty space. I look forward to reading more blog entries. Now back to my current small hooking project that's got a Christmas gift deadline on it.

  6. Your rug is stunning, Cathy !
    I am always taken by your color choices. You clearly are gifted in that area ;)

  7. It is wonderful Cathy!!! I really like how it is turning out. Wow, that is interesting about the snow. This is the first time in years, it feels like we are having winter. I am of course glad.
    I am glad you are having a nice time.

  8. Your challenge rug is really looking good and it looks like you'll finish by the deadline! We didn't even get snow--just rain here down by the big lake. We haven't had any snow yet--weird indeed! Love Fixer Upper--unfortunately we don't have cable :(

  9. Your rug is stunning! I am hooking away on my rug, hoping I get it finished and bound in time. I love fixer upper but I can only watch reruns on the computer. I can't wait until a new season is posted.

  10. I love your scraggly tree, but I agree, the mess is not fun;)
    Your rug looks wonderful, I will have to do some rugs this year.


  11. Yes, the title is definitely cute and catchy. You've got one loooong challenge rug there gal but it is beautiful.

  12. I'm pretty sure your Challenge Rug is the largest to date - and it's going to be just wonderful when it's all done! You've made SO much progress - I love it!

  13. Afternoon, I do love your scraggly tree, my kind of tree. Your challenge rug is wonderful, love it.

  14. LOVE your challenge rug.
    I finished mine a while ago but still haven't started to bind it...sigh.
    Hugs :)

  15. Love the holly mat on the table! Pattern or kit?

  16. Love your challenge rug...wonderful color choices...no snow in Maine...it's just a matter of time...Happy hooking...


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