Saturday, November 21, 2015

Our Tuesday Hook-in for November and Some Chit Chat!

Being so busy with our Christmas Show this past week I didn't get a chance to post the pictures of our second Tuesday of the month Hook-in here at Red House Wool Studio!
Sherry is a brand new rug hooker!  I LOVE her hair don't you!  When I was a young girl I always wanted red hair!  Just like Sherry's!
She took right off on her first rug!

This is Mya!  She is brand new to rug hooking also!  She plans to hook a rug similar to my hit and miss square one you see on the table!  She took right off as well!  I know these girls are going to be wonderful rug hookers!  Diving right in and learning to  pull those first few loops is all it takes!

Remember Tammi? A few posts back I introduced her as she was working on her third or fourth rug! Turns out she is a FABULOUS applique'er! Look at the stitches on this wonderful pieced mat by Primitive Gatherings!  I could stare at it all day long!

Many of you know Pat... a most talented  rug hooker... she's working on my Merry Christmas design doing such beautiful work!  She brought this Halloween rug that she had framed!  It is wonderful and a design by Jody Aman and available on the Need'l Love website. We love spending a few minutes when everyone arrives for a bit of show and tell! 

Had to show you my little scraggly Christmas tree!  I LOVE them very sparse and with a few little red berries ( fake ones that I added)!  My friend Lisa cut this one along the ditch for our Christmas show and it was left over so I rescued it!   It's just the kind of tree I wanted! 
So it will be a very busy few weeks now before Christmas and the end of the year!  Can you believe it?!  I'll be another year older in December too... Old enought to retire! Yikes! I can't decide if I should sign up for Social Security as being self-employed for many of my working years I sure won't get a big check! But maybe it's time.... 

Happy Thanksgiving Dear Friends!
Cathy G


  1. Looks like a great hook in and I love your scraggly tree.


  2. We call those Charlie Brown trees! Love it. Looks like great fun and great talent combined for a productive event!

  3. A great little tree. Sign up for SS while it's still there! :~)

  4. you are creating rug hookers by the dozen! Lot of new ones doing a great job.

  5. Do you do lunch for the hook ins at you place to just snacks? It sounds like a great time to get together! Margo

  6. Rug envy when I visit your site. Congrat's on the upcoming birthday and enjoy the SS while you can.

  7. What a wonderful group of very talented women!! I love seeing all of their work.
    It looks like such a wonderful time.

  8. What fun! I'm partial to red hair because of my red-headed grandson :)
    LOVE your Charlie Brown tree.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs :)

  9. Great projects everyone was working on. So great that you find and encourage new rug hookers - they're in good hands with you for a teacher/mentor!

  10. Wow, I love Tammi's applique ... so beautiful... Your students must bring a lot of joy...
    Your Charlie Brown tree looks right at home in your studio.
    Enjoy the season.

  11. Love seing pics of the November hook-in. Can't wait to return to our Chetek house next May and become one of your beginner hookers.

  12. Your hooker friends are amazing. And so is your photography.
    Such a delightful, warm look for the holidays!
    The little tree is just perfect. That picture would make a great Christmas card.

  13. A great group to be sure and some wonderful projects. The tree is perfect! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  14. What a treat to visit with you and all your hooking friends! Your Charlie Brown tree made me smile. Your hooking studio looks like a wonderful place...the kind of place that makes your heart beat faster when you walk in.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Great projects, Cathy!
    I love your tree!


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