Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Second Tuesday Hook-in and Challenge Rug Progress!

There's a whole lotta hookin' goin' on around here lately!
Today was our second Tuesday of the month gathering here in the studio! Big rugs, little rugs, wool appliqué and even a couple of quilts to show were enjoyed by all! 
We welcomed three new rug hookers to our fold!  Welcome to Louise, Patti and Celeste!  Louise is working on her very first project and I do think she may be hooked!
It's such a joy to see someone pick up the hook a-new!  With our experienced group they can learn so much just by coming and sharing in the fun!

And... I've been making good progress on my challenge rug!  If you would like to learn more about the challenge please go back and look at my last post.  

Short post tonight as it's been a long day!  
I want to get a few minutes to hook on my rug tonight!

Thanks for your visit and stay tuned for some exciting information on a show I will be participating in next month... which isn't that far off.... whew! 
I need to get BUSY!

Cathy G


  1. Good heavens Cathy, your hands have been flying on that rug and the colors are wonderful.

  2. Your Studio is really rocking and hooking. I love what everyone is working on and that challenge rug is going to look awesome. It's always so nice looking at your studio and those neat rows of beautiful wool on the shelves and your lovely hooked rugs.
    I wish I lived closer.

  3. It looks like a fun hook in and your rug is gorgeous.


  4. Love your challenge rug so, so cute.Blessings Francine.

  5. You are hooking that challenge rug so quickly, especially knowing much is being hooked in a 6 cut. Gorgeous.
    Second Tuesday looks like great fun. One can learn so much by being around other hookers.
    Hugs :)

  6. Your challenge rug is stunning!! I just love the way it is turning you. You are just the best hooker I have ever seen. :) I think it would be just lovely to spend a day in your studio learning and watching and listening to talk about rugs and such. Have a lovely evening.

  7. How fun!
    I so would love to belong to a group like this but sadly nothing near me.
    I'm sure everyone enjoys the get together and love sharing their projects. I really think a group like this one gets more done.

  8. what great rugs!!
    I love the colors you are using on yours!

  9. Looks like a great group of ladies and a lot of fun !
    Your challenge rug is beautiful.


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