Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Fun Visit with Terri and a Rug Challenge!

Yesterday I had a fun visitor here in the studio from Superior, WI! Terri hooked my Sassy Sunflower pattern and brought it along to show me!  Wow!  I LOVE the colors!  And isn't her hooking nice!! 

Here's a close up so you can see the colors and wools she used! Love the textured wool she used in the sunflower center...see how it kind of frays a little on the edge?  Don't be afraid to use those wools in certain applications like this! It really makes this rug fabulous!  And I love that teal colored wool too! 

She also brought along another round chair pad she finished hooking.... She really has a unique eye for color... and I love how these both turned out!
I hope she gets back soon and brings the witch rug ( a Tish Murhpy) design that she's working on. She found some really cool oranges and red wools in my shop  for the witch's hair while she was here!  That rug is going to be fabulous!  Can't wait to see it!

Ahhhhh..... as I said there is a rug challenge going on here!  I am hooking along on our FaceBook group headed up by Lori Brechlin at NotforgottenFarm!  The name of our group is "The Out of Hand Rug Hookers!" In case you'd like to check it out.  The Hook-Along Rug Challenge has already filled up but there will be another Challenge in January.  Lori provided a dozen or more motifs from her artwork and we could pick as many as we wanted for our rugs.  We had to design using those motifs only.  
I made mine perhaps a bit too challenging.... tee hee!  I have this old very looooonggg antique bench I've been wanting to hook a rug for the top.  Well I decided to make it my challenge rug.  The requirements for size had to be at least 18 by 24 inches or bigger.  We have to have it all hooked by Jan. 3rd, 1016.  So..... is the bench and the plan with some of the motifs we were provided. My bench is over a foot wide by 70 inches long.  My rug is 12 inches by 64 1/2 inches long!

This is what I came up with!
Here it is already transferred onto the linen!  Think I can get it hooked by then?
There are prizes.... some good ones!
I'll fill you in later on them!

So my hook will soon meet my hand again!  It's been awhile and they've become strangers!
Not a good thing!
But with Fall like weather here now and some cute little squirrels and acorns to hook we are off to a great start!

Stay tuned!
Cathy G

This is the witch pattern from that Terri is starting to hook.
Design by Tish Murphy
Wish I had time to hook this!  A great pattern!


  1. Wow. What pretty rugs!! She did really nice work! That is such a nice design. It will look so nice on that bench.
    It was nice to see all of the designs people came up with wasn't it?

  2. Those are both beauties, and I love her colors!
    That bench rug will be fantastic, I love Lori's designs.
    Hope to see more as you go along!

  3. Terri is a lovely hooker, perfect color choice...I love Lori's designs and look forward to seeing what you come up with for your bench your designs too!!! wish I could attend one of your classes...but enjoy visiting your blog...

  4. Terri did a great job on those pieces. Your challenge design is awesome. I knew you would come up with something incredible.

  5. I'm having a heckuva time finding the files for the challenge rug - hope I can get Lori to email them to me soon so I can get started too - I can feel the excitement build in the rug hooking community for this project! Terri's projects both turned out really, really nicely!

  6. Jan 3 2016------yikes, that's only 3 months---get hooking. Show us progress. You did good on the design. Who's design on the rug on your hearth----yours? Love it, can you send me larger photo or designer name?

  7. Your design is wonderful and so is that bench!!!
    Terri is an excellent hooker. Such perfect loops!
    Hugs :)

  8. Love the design you put together for the challenge rug! I don't have a facebook account... or I'd be playing along with the challenge too. That witch rug is awesome too! Looking forward to seeing how Terri's turns out!

  9. Hey, no doubt it will be done with time to spare. You're motivated and driven. Nice design by the way.

  10. What a great job, love those rugs. Wonderful design you did, can't wait to see it finished Cathy.Blessings Francine.

  11. Terri is an excellent hooker. Is she one of your students?
    Love the design for your bench. It's going to look great when it's finished. Can't wait.


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