Dave and I with the two pooches in tote are in Bayfield, WI for a much needed little break from our daily work and routine. We are being blessed with perfect weather as we walk the hilly streets in this quaint village on Lake Superior's Chequamegon Bay.
My favorite thing to do is check out the residents' backyard gardens and the local architecture of the old houses. This charming whale weathervane caught my eye this morning as did a garden of dahlias. Or are those zinnias? I couldn't remember which but they were gorgeous and worthy of a snapshot!
The sumac are the the first to show their firey red color here on the south shore of beautiful Lake Superior.
Yes... there were vacancies here at the Seagull Bay Motel this morning but by early afternoon the neon sign switched to No! It's still very busy with tourists here this time of year but we beat the mobs of Applefest goers who arrive next week for the town's biggest celebration!
Milkweed was the plant of choice in this frontyard garden. No doubt to attract the Monarch butterfly that is experiencing a decline in numbers. Worthy of a snapshot and it made me smile.
Our time here is never long enough, but it sounds like I may have an opportunity to come back and teach a rug hooking class at the quilt shop here in town! It may have to be next fall before we can get the class underway but it will be a great excuse to come back to one of our most favorite places of all. Bayfield, Wisconsin.
Cathy G