Sunday, July 12, 2015

Those Old Wash Tubs!

For some reason lately I've been hankering to get ahold of a set of those old wash tubs they used with the old wringer washers in days of olde.  I've seen them fixed up so cute on people's patios with flowers or perhaps filled with ice and used for a beverage holder when entertaining!
Well..  when Dave and I and the pups ventured to a local Flea Market in his home town of Praire Farm this weekend I almost couldn't believe my eyes! Yup... there they were!  With a little wheelin' and dealin' to settle on the $27.00 price they were mine!  
When we got them home Dave remarked that they must have used the same paint on the metal stand that our house is painted as it matches perfectly! 

I bought some free-range chickens (frozen) and a jug of maple syrup and with that we headed back home!

Feeling creative and happy, my rug hook and frame made an appearance yesterday afternoon as well.
Haven't been hooking much lately and the desire to do a little free-form hooking from a roughly drawn sketch on the linen resulted in a kind of artsy little design.  I've been wanting to play with a couple of new wools that arrived here in the studio too.

Another busy week ahead for me!  Tomorrow Smokey gets to go get groomed. Max will ride along and usually sits on my lap the whole time hoping he doesn't have to have a bath as well!
He had his appointment about 4 weeks ago so he has a little time to go before his appointment. But I don't think he knows that when we get there... tee hee...!

Hope your summer days have been filled with some nice things
and maybe a little hookin' or stitching too.  
Sunflowers and pumpkins are right around the corner!

Cathy G


  1. Wow---did you get a bargain, they would be $50 or more here. They look great on your deck. I like the rug you are hooking------our you going to offer it as a pattern? Hint!

  2. I've been wanting a set of those washtubs, too :) I'm sure you will come up with some wonderful ideas.
    Good to hear from you.
    Hugs :)

  3. Oh my, can't wait to see the free style hooking on your next pattern. I've also wanted to do that style but haven't relaxed myself enough to be again like a child would be. Some call it anti-godlin, and have other terms used but is sorta like Deanne does on her rugs. One day I'm going to sit and chill and try.

  4. What a great find at a great price !
    They look lovely with the red geraniums.
    Perfect rug, too !!

  5. Beautiful! Love those wash bins... and the ones you found are in great condition and what a steal of a price!!! Enjoy!

  6. What a great deal for those wash tubs and the stand. This must must have been your lucky day and the color matches your house to a T. Love your new design. Very fresh and summery.


  7. love those wash tubs...what a steal...poor Max

  8. are so lucky!! I have been wanting wash tubs too...but I can't find any affordable! Love yours!! Tammy

  9. The washtubs look wonderful sitting there. As does your frame with a new rug. Poor dogs. So hard to have to get baths.
    I hope you have a lovely week.

  10. The wash tubs look wonderful!! Lucky you!!!!! Zoe is getting a little break from her grooming. Our grooming gal is taking time off with her new baby so she doesn't go back for a few weeks yet. She cut Zoe short the last time so she can make it. They don't love it but we have to keep our fur babies looking pretty! Hugs, Lori

  11. Love your wash tubs. I think I am saving all my hooking energy for this fall I have not pulled a loop in a couple of months.

  12. WOW ... Luv the wash tubs, looks like they are in great condition too. Lucky you!

  13. great price!
    love the color,
    when I saw it, I thought you painted it!
    poor babies, always one or the other going to the vet!

  14. You got a good deal on the washtubs! I passed up some one time and have regretted it since especially now that I see how great yours looks!

  15. Hi Cathy,
    I LOVE your wash tubs and they look so good on your porch!!! If our fore-mothers only knew how much we love their ordinary house work items for decorating!!! Great deal too!!! Lucky you!!!
    Love your rug and hope to start on my next one soon!! NEVER thought I would be saying that!!!!!
    Hope your doggies survive the trauma of the groomers!! Our poor Shelby hated to go as well, but she looked SO PRETTY and smelled SO GOOD!!!
    Have a lovely Sunday!!
    Warm Hugs~


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