Thursday, June 25, 2015

Went Shopping in my Basement!

I want to thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post!  I appreciate so much your interest in my kitchen remodel and the GREAT suggestions as to what would look good on the new white tongue -and- groove paneled wall.  I actually had some of the same ideas like putting one of those great big oversized clocks I've been seeing on decorating blogs. For sure all of your suggestions would've looked wonderful....
so what did I decide?  Well as some of you may remember my favorite place to shop sometimes is my own dungeon of a basement.  I have been purging down there the past couple of years but there's  a few pieces I've been hanging on to.... you know... in case I might need them some day...LOL!
So after digging about down there I came up with this old and HEAVY beveled glass mirror. It has a wonderful frame with a little tinge of that antique brass that goes nicely with the new hardware on the cupboards. After a little sweet talking to the  Mr. about my idea of hanging this very heavy mirror on that new wall... which required drilling a hole and putting in a plastic anchor,  he gave in to my plea's!

I like the way it reflects the scene from the windows on the opposite wall! It almost makes it feel like there's a window now on this wall!

I am still playing around with the accessories. I do like a cleaner, less cluttered look and want to keep this space clear for food prep.

So what do you think?  So far I'm loving it!   An added benefit to shopping in your own basement is the price! 
Yes... it doesn't get much better than free!!

It sounds like a lovely weekend coming up here in the north land! 
Hope yours is lovely as well!

Cathy G


  1. I really like it, esp. the light it adds, it makes everything feel bigger.

  2. Love it! I always like being able to see the outside from wherever I am. And it makes the long kitchen seem a bit wider I bet. Good job!

  3. What a great job you did. I love it....I was thinking a mirror would be nice but I don't decorate in primitive, but this one is super nice. I find that I give too much advice so I didn't want to advice the expert. Mirrors have such great decorating potential. It lights up the place and makes it look larger. Hugs,

  4. Looks so great Cathy, wonderful job,Blessings Francine.

  5. My sister had told me always be mindful of the reflection you'll be seeing when you hang a mirror for decorative purposes. Yours is perfect! It looks like primitive painting.The bevel edge of the mirror and the handsome frame are very nice :)

  6. OMG, it is delightful! Makes the room look so open and twice as big I'll bet.

  7. What a stunning accent! I know about the basement of storage as well. I have archives down there that reach back to the 1890's! Everyone who passes give me their 'stuff' because they know I appreciate the 'stuff!" Now my big question is...who can I gift the 'stuff?'

  8. I really like it too! It looks so nice there. Your kitchen is so wonderful. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Perfect! Sometimes your own idea is the best. Love that you can see the outside in the mirror. You will be very happy in your new kitchen.

  10. You knocked one out of the park on that pick. Wish I had a basement to shop in, but basements are few and far between here in Florida. Too many problems with hurricanes and flooding, I guess. I have a huge mirror like yours stashed in my closet and am still trying to consider where to put it. Won't work across from my kitchen as mine is about the size of my walk-in closet.

  11. I think your mirror was just waiting for that spot Cathy! It's perfect!! Hugs, Lori

  12. Looks Great ! Don't you Love it , when you can use a hidden treasure that has been waiting to be discovered ! So pretty !!!

  13. Oh my .... perfection!! Shopping in your own little basement boutique too. Life is good.

  14. Perfect! And I love the price :)
    Great dovetailed box on the counter. I am a sucker for dovetails.
    Hugs :)

  15. It's perfect. Adds light and expands the look of the area. Genius!

  16. It looks lovely great choice.

  17. Hi Cathy,
    Your shopping trip was a SUCCESS!!! The mirror looks just wonderful there!!! Sometimes we don't have to look any farther than our basement, attic, garage, closet, or anywhere else we store treasures!!
    I'm sure your hubby liked the price too!!!
    Take care and happy decorating!
    Warm Hugs!

  18. I frequently find myself "shopping in my basement" as there is so much stuff I put down there when I moved in. I have forgotten about half the things I put down there and then I stumble across them when I go downstairs to get something I actually did remember about.

    Mildred Mclaughlin @ My Better Basement


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