Who is Orange Sink?

My photo
Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

Email Me Here

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Reissuing "Key To My Old Heart" Rug Design as PAPER PATTERN!

Please Note:  There has been a problem with some not getting my email with the PDF pattern.  I haven't been able to quite figure out the problem.  Some are getting it just fine and others are not getting it at all.  If you have ordered the pattern through PayPal and haven't recieved your email from me with the PDF pattern please email me at antcathy@charter.net and let me know.  I will try to resend it

My first experience with the PDF's  and it's not cool!  

But don't worry.... we'll get you the pattern one way or another

Thank you for all your patience and understanding!!

Hookers are the best!!

I have decided to list the pattern as a PAPER PATTERN available in my Etsy Shop.  Look for Red House Wool Studio Etsy Shop on the left side of this blog.  

So.... here is my introduction of the pattern to those just now reading about it!!  

I'm very pleased to introduce my newest hooked rug design "Key to My Olde Heart"!  It's that time of year when many of us who "play with wool"  feel the need to create something heart shaped.

"Olde" rug hooker that I am.... the key to MY heart is hooking and creating my little wool mats!

  I felt the need to add an early date to my heart. Perhaps a nod to an earlier time when life was sim


I would like to thank my dear friend Lisa Halverson ( who is an avid collector of antique items with heart motifs) who hooked this rug along with me and for her valuable inspiration to design this little mat! You can see her very beautiful rendition up in the header photo on the far left.

   As Always,
My Heartfelt Thanks!
    Cathy G.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Game is ON!

As 2015 comes sliding into home base... I stand with my catchers mitt unable to make the play. The new player scores another day on the calendar before I can turn around!  I keep thinking I better get on the ball... accomplish something!   But with so many balls coming at me all at once I get to feeling pretty overwhelmed. 
Is it so with you too?  The start of a new year, the taxes, the dirty laundry, the Dr.'s appointments, the dogs grooming appointments, the kitchen remodeling.... the business ( and that's a whole n'other list)  the never ending list....
So how to get back in the game? 
Before Christmas is once again on third base threatening to steal home..

No magical answer here from all my years of experience,  but I find it's wise to make some kind of plan.
If only in my head... no use to write it down...
Hubby and I both have trouble keeping track of tangible items like lists and cell phones.  We decided just yesterday that we can't get rid of our land line telephone.  We use it at least three times a day calling our cell phones to try and locate where we left them.... is it just us?  

So on a more positive note... ( she smiles and feels happy all over) tonight is the new season of Downton Abbey!  
I have a plan already. Get some strips cut for the new rug I'm working on ( a glimpse in the photo above... pink?  Ya, I can't believe it either? LOL) 
Then pour a glass of Yellowtail Big Bold Red and hook in front of the TV.
Sound like a plan to you?
Yup... thought so!!

Cathy G