Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hangin' On!

Our fabulous Autumn this year is hangin'  on!  It's always a welcome thing here in northern Wisconsin if we reach the end of October and the temps are above zero!  LOL!   I snapped the header photo of some mums in the garden that are still blooming despite a couple of nights of frost!  They are hardy things!  I buried a few spent pots of them I had on the front deck in the garden and with any luck they will bloom again next Fall.

Things are a hoppin' here in the wool studio.  The ladies are buying patterns, wool and supplies in anticipation of those days ahead when we don't stick our noses out the door unless we have to!
I have been hooking on a little something too which I will wait a little longer to show you!  I used all the new wools from Rebecca Erb's Wool Studio in this design. 

It's been really really hard for me lately to sit down and do any designing!  We have started to do a little remodeling in the kitchen. Needless to say my mind is preoccupied with layout, cabinets, windows, appliances, etc.  We've decided that something MUST be done!  No stove to cook or dye wool has been difficult and stressful for me.  So... let me introduce you to the newest purchase ( and an expensive one.. holy cow!) that is the starting point for this remodel.

Now how's that for an upgrade from a hot plate! LOL! Wowser!  It arrived last week and our super nice electrician got it temporarily wired so I can use it while waiting for the remodel to get underway! 
I keep telling myself that I really needed that double oven...  a splurge that I hope pays off in the long run!

Max has given his approval but he can't quite figure out where the old wall oven went! The square on the floor is where the cabinet stood that housed the old oven.  Out it went and I was never so glad to take the hammer after it!  It's really opened up the galley style kitchen!  The plan is to put a new fridge where the new stove is sitting right now and the stove will have it's permanent home on the wall a little further down. So a few new cabinets are in order as well as  new counter top.

But this will all take time.  And money.   We're determined so are doing a lot of the work ourselves with the help of a few talented friends who are guiding us along the way. 

You may be wondering if our infamous orange sink is part of the new remodel plan.  Well.... perhaps not. But we shall see...  if I decide to get a new sink ( and it won't be orange believe me) do I have to change the name of my blog????  Oh mercy.... it's on my business cards and all my patterns and everything! 
Yikes... tell me I can still call the blog Orange Sink.... as Stainless Steel Sink just doesn't quite have the same ring to it!!  

Cathy G

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

She LOVES Halloween! Lizzie's Home....

Well here it is as promised!  The tour of my friend Lizzie's home and her FABULOUS collection of Halloween!  Both vintage and artisan made pieces are lovingly displayed in every spooky nook and cranny!  Even the front porch beckons you to linger, setting the stage for what's inside!

Liz is a quilter!  She even took my beginning rug hooking class!  She has yet to finish a nice sized rug she has started but leads a super busy life!  She is married,  grooms dogs, and is a very loving and devoted daughter who is caring for aging parents!  She is a dog mom and you will meet her fur children a little further down in this post!  

Autumn splendor fills a red cupboard on the front porch!  

If you care to sit and view the scenery the striking black and white stripe cushions will keep you comfy!

Every room in this gorgeous home has been decorated with Liz's collections!  Yes it takes time and little bit of help!  She tells me it stays decorated to the delight of visitors who stop in through out the season until Thanksgiving!  I wonder what she does for Christmas!?

Part of Liz's collection are these one- of- a kind paper mache' sculptures made by Gail and Linda of The House At The End of the Road. They are an artist duo who create and sell their unique Halloween pieces together.  They are friends of mine also so if you should be interested in their work and would like more info. just email me using the email button in the upper left of this blog.
Look for their work throughout Liz's home! She has acquired quite a few of their pieces and they really make a statement as you can see them here displayed on the island in her kitchen.

I was fascinated by these long framed old Halloween prints!  They are wonderful and she was able to purchase five of them at an antique show! Look for them in the photos that follow!

New and vintage Halloween toys and candy containers fill display cabinets and cupboards through the entire house!  

Love her coffee bar as you enter the kitchen!  

I love her quilts displayed everywhere too! 

This is a fabulous piece by Gail and Linda displayed in the kitchen window!

Liz has these one-of-a-kind pieces displayed on turntables so you can view them from all angles!  She's thought of everything for your viewing pleasure!

I LOVE this bobbing for apples piece! They have a unique style and I can't begin to imagine the work that goes into these!  

Another one of those wonderful long prints!

Even the bathroom cannot escape the wonders of Liz's decorating! 

The sun room is a cozy spot to sit and read the morning paper or perhaps stitch or hook.... She will hook again one of these days I hope!  After the Halloween decorations are all packed away!  Right Lizzy?!!  LOL!!

More views of the sun room.

So meet the fur babies!  The adorable and very well behaved Scotties are named Olive and Violet!  They have their Halloween collars on!  Perfectly groomed of course!! They are the sweetest dogs!! They take after their owner!!

And then there's PEARL!  The Bull Terrier!!  OMG is she hilarious!!  The ball never left her mouth and she growls and sounds like she wants to rip your head off!!  It's all bluff however!!  I think she is just trying to get you to play!  I am told she can open drawers and loves to eat butter!  Mom has to keep an eye on the butter sticks when she's baking as Pearl can scarf one down in an instant and afterward smile that adorable Bull Terrier smile!

So here we end up in the grooming salon where my fur babies are getting groomed!  I hope they realize how dog-gonned lucky they are to be accepted into this posh and beautiful dog grooming parlor that Liz so meticulously runs!! She is booked solid and it's very hard to get your dogs in to be groomed!  But lucky me.... and Smokey and Max.  They still hate getting groomed and Smokey even threw up in the tub while he was getting bathed. Maybe next time he won't be so nervous!  

A friend like Liz is more precious than gold!!  She has a huge and tender heart for animals and humans alike!!  We are soooooo blessed and lucky to have her for our groomer and friend!!  Right Smokey and Max?  I will post a photo of them next time sporting their new do's. 

Thank-you Liz for allowing me to show case your home here on my blog!  I know my readers will enjoy getting a peek into your "spooktacular" decorating and warm and cozy home!  

Halloween Hugs!!
Cathy G 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

OK Momma Nature... Can we Talk?

"An inch of snow fell last night.  As I was sound asleep, I really didn't have to lay eyes on it. Thankfully it was all melted by morning.  Still you torment me with freezing temps tonight and I have a beautiful red mum in the garden that is just starting to bloom.  So I guess I will  have to throw a blanket over it."

"Yes Mom Nature... have you seen the Fall... as in AUTUMN colors that are filling my studio!!?  Not white or red or green!"  

"Black cats and...

spooky stuff....

Orange, gold and okay maybe a white Jack-O Lantern or two.
But that doesn't give you the go ahead to go cool off our Fall fun with the white stuff!

Now that I've ranted... and I'm sure you've listened up Mom nature!
 A little more Autumn if you please!!"

Tomorrow one of the  fur boys and I are going to a new groomers!
She happens to be a good friend of mine. 
And wait til you see her home and grooming salon!
Oh... and did I mention she is an AVID collector of HALLOWEEN!  
Yes I took photos last time I was there.
Tomorrow I hope to take a few more as the first time I spent so much time ogling and relishing the moment that my photos weren't that great.
Here is her front porch for a teaser!

You are in for a treat!  Yup!  As in Trick-or Treat!! 

Cathy G