Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Midnight Hooker

Sounds like the title to a raunchy novel doesn't it?!!  LOL!   I may just have to get on that.  My opening paragraph could be something like "It was a full moon. The old hooker had one on the frame and one on the floor she was keeping an eye on. A box of colorful wool was within reach and she wasted no time stripping..."     Then again maybe a novel isn't such a good idea right this moment! LOL!

Seriously I did do a little midnight hooking on my Maggie B. rug.  In fact it was after 2:00 am when I finally put down the hook and crawled under the covers.  

I do think I am loving the wool choices so far. My background wool is taken from a box that must have 30 different pieces of dark brown wool, some plaids, stripes, solids, over-dyed tweeds etc. I am planning on using all that I can from this box so this may be the craziest background you've ever seen on a rug in your life! 

In this photo you can see the extra border I drew around the original border and where I added the additional linen.  Jacqueline had a question in the comments on my last post about adding additional material around the border of a rug after it has been zig zagged and prepared for hooking.  This is what I emailed her:

Hi Jacqueline,
Having the zig zag stitches around the perimeter of the pattern might present a problem to add additional linen. I have never tried hooking through those zig zag stitches although one could remove them ( ugh!  Would be very tedious and you take a chance you are going to cut the threads in the linen which would not be a good thing…).  I hadn’t stitched around the pattern yet on this one but had zig zagged around the outside edge to keep the linen from fraying.  I had enough linen to add about 4 inches to my pattern.  Which was just enough.  So we shall see how binding goes as where I attached the extra piece is pretty close to where I will be sewing on the binding. Don’t you just love a good challenge?!!  LOL!!

If any one has ever added additional material to a rug ( to make it larger)  after you already zig zagged around it we would love to hear from you!

Of course my tip for the day would be to never zig zag around the pattern until you are absolutely sure that is the size you want the rug to be.  I usually forget to zig zag stitch until after I have hooked the whole rug anyway!  That is always fun sewing on the machine especially a larger rug. 

I know some people like to sew the binding on too before they start to hook.   I never do. I am always afraid I may want to add a little more border to my rugs and very often do. 

More to come.... but just wanted to show you my progress so far.  

Cathy G


  1. Lol!!! I'm picturing all the seedy characters picking your book up in a bookstore & the look on their faces when they discover the story line : ) I love-love-LOVE how your new design is starting off! Absolutely gorgeous, my friend! I wonder if I could apply for an arts grant to come to Wisconsin to be an apprentice hooker???

  2. It's looking gorgeous Cathy! I think all the different wools for the background will make it look awesome. Can't wait to see more! Hugs, Lori

  3. I had to laugh at your title of your novel. It might be a best seller.
    I loved this post just because, I never have been able to do just what you said, because I always forget too.
    I am just loving that rug and I think the back ground sounds wonderful. It is going to be another work of art. :)

  4. What a hoot you are Cathy. A hooker who works after midnight on a full moon should be paid more don't you think?
    It great that you can have some fun with puns.

    Your rug is going to look great. Your taste is always impeccable when it comes to choosing colors. I'm looking forward to seeing this rug finished.


  5. You are a mess!! Hahaha You have me on the hook! When will it be out in print. Hehehe. You are really going to town on this piece; love it.

  6. Bahahaha, your novel sounds like a real page turner. It could be the next "50 Shades". (Fifty shades of wool strips). Heehee.

  7. Too funny. I'm sure it could be a best seller.
    So good to hear from you!
    Only once have I ever zig zagged before hooking. I never think to, either, and only did because Saundra reminded me.
    Your rug is going to be WONDERFUL!!!
    Happy hooking :)

  8. I use a serger so that isn't done till the rug is complete. If you zig zag or sew binding on before you hook, you're locked into that size ~ doesn't leave room for 'poetic license' to make your pattern larger! Love you mythical story line ~ funny! I knew it was a Maggie rug when I first looked at it. I bought two of her patterns at Sauder and i'm happy to have them!! Hook on ~ can't wait to see it!

  9. Guess I will stop zig zagging ahead of time just in case. Thanks for the follow up. I love the colors in the vase and am looking forward to seeing all the shades and textures in the background.

  10. Hi Cathy,
    Instead of sewing extra fabric all around I have been known to safety pin it, and the zig zag or serging actually helps. So don't feel you HAVE to sew. Safety pins are a life saver! PS I love that rug and just ordered the book. Can't wait to see the background you choose. I'm thinking all sepia tones. Love it.

  11. Your background is going to be awesome - and I love the border you added. Fun rug....

  12. Love what I'm seeing on the rug so far!

  13. I absolutely love this rug! The colors are my very favorites! I would have to call myself a "happy hour" hooker as I am usually fast asleep by midnight! Can't wait to see this all finished.

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