Monday, September 8, 2014

It's been too long....

That's right... way too long since I've posted!  I apologize and hope to get back into the swing of things here on the blog!

 I'm working on another commissioned rug which I almost have done so I've decided to start a new rug just for me!  Me and my bathroom! It is a Maggie Bonanomi pattern from her book "A Day At Sunny Brook". 
 I actually drew the pattern out some time ago and never got around to starting it.  I really didn't know for sure where I would display it but I recently took a shelf down in the bathroom which held towels and the big blank wall just begged for a rug!  I've decided too that I needed to make the rug a little bigger than what I originally drew it. Which meant that I had to sew some material around the entire rug to fit over my frame when working on the edges of the rug.  Yes you can do that! 

So here is the hooking I started today. I am using some wool that I hand-dyed called "Dirty Sheep"! In this case it is used to hook dirty ironstone.  Did you notice my collection of old ironstone pitchers on the shelf in the bathroom?  Well they are my inspiration for the color.  As well as the color of my hair.... which is white and kinda dirty sheep looking I guess!  

Here is a selfie.... It looks like I have a black eye... well I don't... can't figure out why the photo turned out that way!  Anyway... the hair color is natural.  My hair is getting thinner as I get older.  Too bad that doesn't apply to the old body as well.... LOL!

I've been doing some wool appliqué lately also.  Have a few nice finishes to share with you as well but will wait for the next post.  I have to ease back into this blogging thing.... 

Cathy G.


  1. Welcome back.

    I zig zag a line of stitches. Around the perimeter of my project before I start hooking to keep it from stretching and around the outside of the linen for raveling issues so am not sure if I could add linen.

  2. A very nice design; like what you've got started so far. Beautiful hair!!

  3. Can't wait to watch the progress on this rug....glad to see you blogging again!

  4. Well, there you are, Cathy! Good to have you back. Sarah

  5. Oh Cathy, I have to chuckle!
    I found a birthday card once that shows a cartoon woman blowing out the candles and making a wish, 'I wish my hair had more body and I was thinner'.
    The next picture says OOOOPS!!!
    She has turned into a fat lady with three little hairs coming out of her head!

    Seriously, you have beautiful hair. I'm envious because I'm the second picture on the birthday card. LOL!
    Maybe Clairol should give that dye formula some consideration.

  6. Cathy..miss your posts! This rug has been on my list but just haven't been able to choose the colors. I know you will hook this in the perfect colors! Hoping you are going to be doing lots of projects for the upcoming seasons. You always are an inspiration!


  7. Glad your back, have missed your posts as they are so interesting. Can't wait to see all the colors in that Maggie rug, will have to get out my book and take another look at it.

  8. I am glad you are back too. I meant to read this one this morning and now I am back. I like your selfie. You have beautiful hair.
    I always enjoy seeing what you have been doing.

  9. Welcome back Cathy. I've missed you too.
    Great inspiration for your rug colors...
    Great selfie.

  10. Beautiful! Loving what you've done already.


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