Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In With The New!

So how are you liking 2014 so far?  It's been grand here except for the extreme cold.  However it's nice and toasty in my studio.   Between trips to the basement to throw another log on the fire and putting the final touches on the pattern for my new rug design it keeps me pretty warm!   It's so nice to not have to leave home to go to work.  I love being home and working from home.  I love my home even if there are things I would love to change and redo. As the saying goes.... home sweet home!

So don't stray too far... keep your lovely eyes peeled on this blog.  Home loving bodies everywhere... I think you'll like this new rug design of mine.

May your New Year be filled with the comforts of Home and Blessings New!

Cathy G


  1. Happy New Year Cathy, I look forward to seeing your coming designs for 2014...we are preparing for yet another snowstorm...Sending greetings from snowy Maine, Julie.

  2. I agree... LOVE being home!! Looking forward to your new design. Happy New Year Cathy!


  3. Can't wait to see your new design! My saying is "In all the world my nest is best!" It's a wonderful feeling to be content with what we have. Yes there are things we all would change but that does not take away from our being content.

  4. There is no place like home,especially when it is cold outside.Can't wait to see your new design.Happy New Year! Blessings,Jen

  5. Can't wait to see your new design!
    I would LOVE not to have to work outside the home! I'm hoping it will become a reality in 2014.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)

  6. Oh good, I love that you stay at home and design new rugs. I do love your designs so much and I have so much fun hooking them.
    I always keep my eyes peeled on your blog. I enjoy seeing your lovely house and all of your lovely wools and the snow. :)
    Happy New Year!

  7. I too enjoy my working from place to be!

  8. Hi Cathy,
    So happy you can enjoy being home, doing what you love!!! If I didn't live so far away I would love to come for a visit, take a class, learn to rug hook, snuggle up by the fire and just "make myself at home!" I would even offer to go throw those logs on the fire!!!
    Hope you have a great week, and I look forward to seeing your new designs!!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. Ah, the comforts of home ! Pennsylvania is perched for more snow today and tomorrow!
    Eager to see your new rug. ;)
    Happy 2014 to you Cathy !

  10. Happy New Year.
    Woolie Blessings

  11. Happy New Year, Cathy! Can't wait to see! Mr.MW, Annie and I...we love staying home in our nest. It's the best place to be!

  12. I agree! Home Sweet Home! Cold here too and expecting a snow storm over night into Friday... good time to play catch up with the hook! Happy New Year!

  13. Happy New Year !!!! Can't wait to see, Blessings Francine.

  14. I too love working from home especially in this awful. Cold Mn weather! Can't wait to see your new rug! Enjoy your day! Stay in and warm!

  15. I am a huge homebody. If it wasn't for Greg I'd probably never venture out!!! Love when it snows and we're snowed in.....but it's very cold here and expecting below zero temps tomorrow with snow. Snow Snow Snow...Let it Snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, now stop teasing us and show us the new pattern!!!

    Happy New Year Cathy,

  16. Happy New Year Cathy, I can't wait to see what your creative mind came up with. They are always first class designs.

    I so wish I didn't had to go working in the cold every day. It's hard on an old girl like me. How I wish I was retired so I could hook to my heart content.

    Stay warm and cosy in your beautiful home.

  17. you are right cathy it is so nice to work from home ,I cut hair color ,andperm ladies wonderful when they come to you waiting to see new pattern,i have a big hookin in Hudson this coming week end hooking for three days can you believe it !!!!!


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