Friday, December 27, 2013

Doing a little wool appliqué and thinking....

When I came across this cute appliqué pattern on Etsy (seller Stitchintimepatterns) I thought to myself it's time to get on the treadmill!  But do I do it?  Not so much... but I did throw some left over Christmas cookies in the garbage today!

The wool applique' above is one I've been working on the past few weeks. The pattern is by Cheri's Quilts called Country Seasons.  It's a block from a quilt that has all the seasons but I am only making the winter block and plan to make it into a pillow.   I've added some snowflakes to the border and did some square wool pennies on the top. It's done with all wool except for a couple of strips of cotton fabric. The cream colored wool has gold sparkles in it!   Sooooo much fun!!

I've been hooking on a new rug this week too!
Will share that with you soon I hope!

With the new year only a few days away...
are you making plans for a few new projects?

Perhaps redoing a room or two in your home?
Or gathering ideas for your next rug hooking project?
Maybe your goal is to get on that treadmill and start cooking healthy meals!

Whatever your heart desires...
May you accomplish.

Cathy G


  1. The applique in your header will look adorable made into a pillow ~ do share when you get it done.
    I really like the snowman and have to laugh as I sit here reading blogs and filling my face with xmas candy!!!
    Looking forward to a New Year and I always have tons of new projects that I want to work on ~ it's so hard to decide when I'm such a huge pattern hoarder and want to do them all!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful New Year and create new things and make many new memories!!!
    Prim Blessings

  2. Morning, so cute, love your appliqué......Happy New Year to you and yours, Francine.

  3. Cathy that is an adorable wool applique design and will make a great pillow. Also can't wait until you are ready to share you hooking project.


  4. Cute appliques Cathy!!!! I haven't been doing much stitching lately and really missing it! Ready to jump back in but I must spend some time cleaning up my studio! Things are a bit out of control!

    Happy New Year!!!

  5. Thanks for the inspiring blog post and encouragement, Cathy! Love the applique you're working on... it will make a perfect pillow!


  6. Great pieces! Love your square wool pennies. Happy New Year to you! ~Roberta

  7. Great stitching patterns but I'm getting a little tired of winter already, lol...
    So much snow and another storm on the way. Maybe I should start stitching summery things.

    I hope that all your wishes come true too.
    Happy New Year,

  8. very encouraging post!
    the pillow will look graet,
    I love her designs!

  9. Both of these pieces are very nice! I especially like the square pennies and snowflakes you added to the Winter one!
    I'm trying to finish up what I can these last few days of the year... been sorting, tossing, organizing and cleaning up too. Hoping to start all NEW projects in 2014.... and resolve to hook more rugs! ;-) lol!

  10. I love your thoughts. Your projects are wonderful. I love your snow man and the saying. I need to remember that.
    I have ideas going around in my head but as of yet nothing on paper.
    Have a wonderful New Year too Cathy.

  11. Cathy,
    Your applique is wonderful!!! Can't wait to see your next hooking project.
    I haven't had time to pick up the hook in weeks but hope to this evening. I miss it!!!
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)

  12. Wonderful new applique - the colors are so pretty.
    What a darling stitched piece. You know, no matter what I TELL MYSELF I just don't go forward with it...I still continue down that same ole path - it puts too much pressure on me to do it! lol Don't push yourself cuz if you don't succeed then you will be sad with yourself. You are perfect dear friend.
    Blessings and Happy New Year

  13. Love your new applique piece! I really like the square pennies.Hope that you have a wonderful and blessed New Year! Blessings,Jen

  14. That is so cute and such a fun piece to do.


  15. Merry Christmas Cathy...Love the new stitchery, your color combination is always spot on...Lots of revamping is going to be going on here at Dog Trot Farm...New Year, new ideas, refresh the mind as well as the body...Wishing you a Happy New Year, greetings from Maine...Julie...

  16. Cathy, Love that snowman! I need to be on the treadmill for days and days... but instead i have been eating chocolate today...bad girl! So hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!!! olm

  17. Cathy what beautiful pieces your working on. I really love the wool applique your doing. If I had a wish for the new year it would be to be as creative as you are.
    I miss blogging and my buddies in this wonderful world of blogging but my computer is getting where I can hardly use it anymore so since Santa did not bring me one I am going to have to take the step towards getting one.
    Sending you lots of good wishes for a very Happy New Year.

  18. Love your wool applique! always fun to be working on something and thats my only new year goal is to be a bit more organized so i can be working everyday on a project for a little while. i miss all my projects and sure dont know what keeps me so busy.. so here we go the start of a new year! hopefully the snow and cold temps will lighten up a bit my back is killing me! enjoy your new years day in your warm and cozy home my blog friend!


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