Monday, December 9, 2013

Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas....

...and all through the house
The wool sits in bundles
the patterns en route

The stockings are flung on the back of the chair 
in hopes that St. Nicholas
can still find them there!

The doggies are nestled all snug in their bed
while visions of a nap for me
dance in my head

Me in my nightgown
my laptop plugged in
had just settled down
with a tonic and gin

When out on the drive
there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see
what the heck was the matter!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
the UPS truck roaring up in high gear!

With a young handsome driver 
so lively and quick
I knew in a moment 
I was about to get sick!

A shipment of wool piled high on my deck
The work of unpacking and washing was next

So away to the studio
I flew like a flash
tore open the package and
tore up the stash

The names of the wools I can barely recall
But what does it matter
I ordered them all!

I spoke not a word
but went straight to my work
filled up the washer
then turned with a jerk

laying a finger aside of my nose
I thought OMG those orders on FaceBook
I can't forget those!

So I sprang to my studio
and wished for a team
who would work while they whistle
now that is a dream!

I looked in the mirror and 
swore to myself
I'm looking like Santa
that plump jolly old elf

With a wink of my eye
and a twist of my jaw
I'm thinking of New Year's
and new patterns to draw

So to all who have ordered
and emailed and called
Merry Christmas my friends!
To one and to all!!

Cathy G

p.s. Merry Christmas patterns still available for limited time... look in the upper left corner of this blog 
for the paypal button to order
or email me at for address to send a check or money order...


  1. Oh Cathy, you are HOOT. So creative you are with all that you do. I really enjoyed reading your version of the (Night ) Two weeks Before Christmas. You are a delight.
    Stay warm and cosy.


  2. what you need is some elves! loved it!

  3. Cute! Thanks for the smiles.
    Hugs :)

  4. Hahahaha, nice work Cathy! After I read this I drew up the Merry Christmas pattern. Ho Ho ho

  5. Thanks for the chuckle, if I lived closer I'd come to help you just to play in all that yummy wool

  6. Good to know you are human too:)
    Many blessings and lots of chocolate~

  7. love it, so very creative, fun and truthful..... HO HO HO :)

  8. Love love love this post!
    Just wonderful timing. needed the chuckle and smile.
    My counter looks alot like yours coffee, cookies and peanut butter.
    Woolie Blessings
    Granny T

  9. LOL! That was cute! If I lived closer, I'd help with the wool and decorating (and tonic and gin)! lol! :-)

  10. Loved your post !!!!! Fa La La La La laaaaaaaaaa

  11. Cathy that is really, really good, My husband and I laughed all through your poem, but hark what is this? A new pattern for New Years? I can hardly wait. I am binding Merry Christmas today. I hope you have some magic elves stop by to help.
    Thank you for such a wonderful poem.

  12. wonderful, I love the rewrite!
    Merry Christmas amid the hustle, bustle, and workshop business!

  13. Cathy,
    You are so clever!! This was really cute. You gave me a good chuckle. I love your Merry Christmas pattern! Hugs, Lori

  14. Tis the season to be jolly...loved this post!!!

  15. Just loved the adorable poem Kathy ! Carol at ticklepie

  16. I just love your rhyme, I laughed all the way thru. Then I had to read it to my husband .
    Have a very merry Christmas


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