Sunday, December 1, 2013

Got Those Merry Christmas Rugs Hooked Yet?

OH My Glory Stars!!!   That Rhonda Thomas  is one fast hooker!  That sounds a bit naughty but there is a good naughty too don't you know!  Santa knows the difference!   LOL!!

I have been working feverishly day and night to get all the orders for the Merry Christmas rug mailed to you as fast as they come in!  That has required the elves' ( dogs Smokey and Max) help as well as jolly old hubby's hand around here to keep the patterns cranked out!
Many many Thanks to all who have ordered the Merry Christmas pattern so far.... and there are LOTS of you!

Your patterns are on their way and if you are finding it hard to believe that Rhonda has hers all hooked already you may also be shocked to know she has already SOLD the rug!!  Wow!  But that doesn't surprise me one bit!  For when you look at her gorgeous hooking and rendition of my pattern it's no wonder it was snatched up faster than you can say Merry Christmas!!

The patterns are still available and will be for a bit longer... so if you would like to get your hook moving on this merry design look in the upper left corner of this blog and you will see the Paypal button to purchase online.  You can mail a check snail mail too just email me for my address!

So Congrats to Rhonda on her swift rug sale and may she have time to hook another for herself for Christmas!

Me... I've got lists to check... patterns to print... and logs to throw on the wood fire... 

To all a good night!!
Cathy G


  1. I was amazed how fast she did it. I'm still stalking the mailbox for mine. Can't wait to start it. I knew you would be busy with orders for that one. Get designing Cathy. We will all need something great to hook after Christmas ;)

  2. I drew out my pattern onto backing yesterday, I meant to hook all day, but you know how that goes, I am hoping to get started in the morning when normal sort of returns. :) I really, really liked the snow that was in the envelope. I was surprised how well it traveled. :)
    Thank you for your sweet pattern. I thought of you the whole time I was putting it on the burlap.
    I was impressed when I saw that your rug had already been done, that was very fast.
    I wish I was a fast hooker. :)
    Have a lovely evening Cathy.

  3. Wow, fast hooker for sure, that is such a beautiful rug, Francine.

  4. Beautiful rug and it is such a lovely pattern! Hope your staying nice and warm :)

  5. Ha....I haven't even started the patterns I bought from you in this gal isn't going to be ordering ANYTHING NEW right now....LOL
    What a wonderful pattern though - I really love it.
    Blessings this holiday season,

  6. I received my pattern last Thursday which is fantastic mail delivery to Canada. I live in Ontario so it may take a bit longer to get to the east coast of Canada. I'm still at the admiring stage of the pattern as it's not yet on backing. Love the design and am excited to hook it. Merry Christmas to you.

  7. I have my pattern, but sorry to say it's still sitting on my desk. Other gifts need to be finished first, so this might be put off until Jan and it will be ready for Christmas 2014.


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