Who is Orange Sink?

My photo
Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

Email Me Here

Friday, December 27, 2013

Doing a little wool appliqué and thinking....

When I came across this cute appliqué pattern on Etsy (seller Stitchintimepatterns) I thought to myself it's time to get on the treadmill!  But do I do it?  Not so much... but I did throw some left over Christmas cookies in the garbage today!

The wool applique' above is one I've been working on the past few weeks. The pattern is by Cheri's Quilts called Country Seasons.  It's a block from a quilt that has all the seasons but I am only making the winter block and plan to make it into a pillow.   I've added some snowflakes to the border and did some square wool pennies on the top. It's done with all wool except for a couple of strips of cotton fabric. The cream colored wool has gold sparkles in it!   Sooooo much fun!!

I've been hooking on a new rug this week too!
Will share that with you soon I hope!

With the new year only a few days away...
are you making plans for a few new projects?

Perhaps redoing a room or two in your home?
Or gathering ideas for your next rug hooking project?
Maybe your goal is to get on that treadmill and start cooking healthy meals!

Whatever your heart desires...
May you accomplish.

Cathy G

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Greetings!

Stay Safe and Warm over the Holidays my Friends!
May your Christmas be Merry and Bright!

Cathy G.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Stills

My camera is on it's last leg... I wonder if Santa reads blogs!  Ho Ho Ho! I wonder if he knows a good blogger cannot be without a good camera?  
Oh and Santa... about that orange sink.....

Cathy G

Monday, December 9, 2013

Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas....

...and all through the house
The wool sits in bundles
the patterns en route

The stockings are flung on the back of the chair 
in hopes that St. Nicholas
can still find them there!

The doggies are nestled all snug in their bed
while visions of a nap for me
dance in my head

Me in my nightgown
my laptop plugged in
had just settled down
with a tonic and gin

When out on the drive
there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see
what the heck was the matter!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
the UPS truck roaring up in high gear!

With a young handsome driver 
so lively and quick
I knew in a moment 
I was about to get sick!

A shipment of wool piled high on my deck
The work of unpacking and washing was next

So away to the studio
I flew like a flash
tore open the package and
tore up the stash

The names of the wools I can barely recall
But what does it matter
I ordered them all!

I spoke not a word
but went straight to my work
filled up the washer
then turned with a jerk

laying a finger aside of my nose
I thought OMG those orders on FaceBook
I can't forget those!

So I sprang to my studio
and wished for a team
who would work while they whistle
now that is a dream!

I looked in the mirror and 
swore to myself
I'm looking like Santa
that plump jolly old elf

With a wink of my eye
and a twist of my jaw
I'm thinking of New Year's
and new patterns to draw

So to all who have ordered
and emailed and called
Merry Christmas my friends!
To one and to all!!

Cathy G

p.s. Merry Christmas patterns still available for limited time... look in the upper left corner of this blog 
for the paypal button to order
or email me at antcathy@charter.net for address to send a check or money order...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Got Those Merry Christmas Rugs Hooked Yet?

OH My Glory Stars!!!   That Rhonda Thomas  is one fast hooker!  That sounds a bit naughty but there is a good naughty too don't you know!  Santa knows the difference!   LOL!!

I have been working feverishly day and night to get all the orders for the Merry Christmas rug mailed to you as fast as they come in!  That has required the elves' ( dogs Smokey and Max) help as well as jolly old hubby's hand around here to keep the patterns cranked out!
Many many Thanks to all who have ordered the Merry Christmas pattern so far.... and there are LOTS of you!

Your patterns are on their way and if you are finding it hard to believe that Rhonda has hers all hooked already you may also be shocked to know she has already SOLD the rug!!  Wow!  But that doesn't surprise me one bit!  For when you look at her gorgeous hooking and rendition of my pattern it's no wonder it was snatched up faster than you can say Merry Christmas!!

The patterns are still available and will be for a bit longer... so if you would like to get your hook moving on this merry design look in the upper left corner of this blog and you will see the Paypal button to purchase online.  You can mail a check snail mail too just email me for my address!

So Congrats to Rhonda on her swift rug sale and may she have time to hook another for herself for Christmas!

Me... I've got lists to check... patterns to print... and logs to throw on the wood fire... 

To all a good night!!
Cathy G