Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Stir Crazy!!

One of my students requested I make her a kit for my "Flowers and Tongues" rug.  So.... good teacher that I am ;-)  I kindly obliged!   It's been a couple of years since I hooked the original I think so hooking the design again was kind of fun.  Not having some of the original wools or at least not being able to find them around here anywhere I changed some of the wools in the second version.  Also when making a kit for someone who is new to hooking I didn't want to confuse them with all the different background wools I tend to use in my rugs.  But I still ended up using a background mix ( dyed by Jill at  North Woods Wool who is my bestie business partner now!) 
Her new background mix has four different wools with just a slight difference in color and texture.  The color is almost the same color as the unbleached linen. I don't know for sure if she is going to put it on her website.... but I will nudge her in that direction!
Also I noticed in this rug as compared to the first one I hooked that my hooking as gotten much more even and well.... more like Jills!  If you have ever seen one of her rugs in person her hooking is perfect and smooth!  Almost like glass!  Sheesh!  Does hanging out with someone so much make you adapt their way of hooking? LOL!  
Here... I'll show you the back of the rug.....

Almost as perfect as the front!  Even more scary!  LOL!  Really sometimes my hooking can be as wild as my hair on bad hair days!  And that is crazy wild!
Do you find your moods are reflected in your hooking also?
Speaking of moods! 
Goodness gracious it's been hard to maintain a good mood around here with the winter keeping it's grip on our part of the country!   There is at least four feet of snow on the ground here yet!
Even with the sun beating down on it like today it's going to take FOREVER for the dang stuff to disappear!
Even our dogs are going stir crazy! 

Dave has to give them a little talking too before their walk!  They are so energetic and ready to tear out the door as soon as he gets home from work!
They walk everyday no matter what the weather!
Good boys!  All three of them!
Momma just sits home on her hinder hooking rugs all day!!  LOL!

There they go!  Dave looks more like he's going to rob a bank in that ski mask he has on!  LOL!  But trust me he needs it in this kind of weather!

One last thing I want to mention before getting back to working on my kits!
Jill and I will be participating/vending in a wonderful Quilt Event here on April 6th.  It will be held at the St. Josephs School Auditorium.  It's a nice big quilt show with many vendors and activities!
More on that soon!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy ~
    I've seen Jill's hooking (at Sauder) and it is PERFECTION! Her wool is wonderful, too! Glad the two of you have teamed up.
    Nice job on your rug! I bought the pattern. I really should hook it!
    We may not have the snow, but it is cold, damp and dreary in Ohio. That groundhog lied to us.
    Hugs :)

  2. Your little flower rug looks real nice and I find that all your other hooking has been so well done. I suppose that now that you teach, you make more efforts to do a perfect job of your hooking.
    I do think that moods affect hooking as it affects handwriting.

    I'm with you with this old man Winter. I'm so tired of him too. Sometimes I think that I want to run in the street naked just to scare him away for good. lol...

    I sill want to wish you HAPPY SPRING

  3. I love your flower rug and I do find my mood affects my hooking. If I am tense then my hooking will be tight. My thoughts about spring - the groundhog lied.

    Stay warm. :)


  4. we are going stir crazy here also. I have had it with the snow.

  5. No snow sticking or on the ground but cold and windy today...yesterday was freezing rain...even this winter lover has had it!

    my hooking definitely changes with my mood...of I'm not in a good mood I can't hook anything right...

    are you going to do a pattern of your bird in the heart design...I think it would make lovely gift rugs for friends...

  6. Brrr that is a lot of snow and bet it is cold! Great looking rug and your hooking is wonderful. Looks like your pups can hardly wait to get outside and romp in the snow!

  7. It is cold here and more on the way,so ready for warmer days.Love the rug!Hugs,Jen

  8. Evening, going stir crazy here too, oh my, so cold.....no sign of Spring......Love the rug, your so great at hooking, need you to help me, :) Francine.

  9. Oh my goodness Cathy!!! 4 feet of snow still on the ground!!! I can't imagine!!! Ours keeps coming and going the next day at least! I really like your rug!

  10. It's always so nice to stop by your blog and see what your up too. Spring should be here soon, right? :) ~Nan

  11. Dang, I purchased that paper pattern from you some time ago and still haven't hooked it. Seeing the hooked piece makes me want to scrounge around in my room to see if I can locate and hook it. Thanks for posting this.


  12. Stir crazy about sums it up Cathy. First day of Spring today and another flipping snow storm. I tell ya, if I get my hands on that liar of a groundhog, he's gonna be sorry!!

  13. Beautiful hookin' Cathy!
    Hopefully we don't get any more snow.
    Cute babies you have there!!!
    Happy Spring!
    Prim Blessings

  14. I would be stir crazy too. I laughed about you and your loops being even. I start out that way and then I don't know what happens I keep thinking with every rug I am going to have them all even and just right. I think though I might have to hook another hundred years. :) I think yours is just beautiful and your rugs make me so happy.

  15. hi cathy! wow looks like you had a fun group of gals in the studio hooking! how fun! and a great way to pass these dang snowy days! my fur babies are feeling a bit house bound too. in and out all day long. love this version of you rug. i have the pattern but havent started it yet.. enjoy your evening cathy!!

  16. love the rug, bet your client will as well. your hooking always looks fabulous.
    your husband is a brave man to face the weather y'all have had. seems everyone is ready for spring. i hope the upcoming show goes well.

  17. Four feet of snow left on the ground? Oh my...I really feel for you!

  18. BEAUTIFUL RUG...front and back.
    When I'm hooking I turn mine over now and then just to see what it looks like...YIKES...nothing like yours...lol I would not want you to see my work. But I am a learner right now - working on one I'm happy with finally!
    Oh, I finished the sheep/sleigh one and need to bind it, then I'll post it. Again, I thank you for leading me to the site to purchase the pattern.


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