Friday, March 8, 2013

My Class!! Proud to be American Hookers!!

(from left to right: Pat, Roxanne, Ashley, Renea, Patty, Jan, Connie)
(missing from photo: Kathy, Joan, Lisa,  Clarice)
( Jan loves my America pillow and wanted to hold it for the class photo...  I think it speaks volumes that we are proud to be Americans and American Rug Hookers! LOL!  and what a  fun group of ladies they are!) 

Well we made it through our beginning rug hooking class!  Eleven lovely ladies graduated with flying colors!  Last night was our final session at WITC.  Four girls couldn't join us but will be visiting the studio in the next few days to finish their projects!  
From the comments I heard last night everyone feels they learned enough about rug hooking to know they want to jump in with both feet and continue making rugs!
I know the studio will be hopping here this Spring as kits are ordered and wool will be snatched off the shelves!
My head is spinning with ideas for future projects and these gal's enthusiasm has me 
giddy with anticipation.
Here are a couple of candid shots I took while the class was in progress last night...

Renea is watching while Roxanne and Ashley are intent on sewing the backs on their little pillows!
Renea is a talented carpenter and will be building rug hooking frames for some of the gals.

The classroom was always a buzz with everyone at different stages in their projects!  Connie wore her blue scrubs to class as she works at the hospital and had to go work the night shift after class!  Does that speak of dedication or what!!  All the ladies have very busy lives but I know they will make time for rug hooking!  How do I know that?  Well.....  they are hooked!!!  

Congratulations to each and every one of you great ladies!
I am so proud of you all!
You make my heart sing!  

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy, I'm so glad your students are making your heart sing. What a great way to spread the hooking virus around. Your lovely girls look like a great bunch and I'm sure they will grow the hooking circle.
    You are doing such good work and I'm so glad that things are going full tilt for you.

    Let your heart sing it's beautiful song...

  2. Wonderful!...looks like everyone enjoyed the evening!

  3. Cathy, what a fun evening. Sweet little project and lots of smiling happy faces. I do believe you have them "hooked" I'm sure those lovely ladies will be back for more! Greetings, Julie.

  4. Cathy ~
    What a great bunch of hookers. You done good girlfriend!!! I'd say you are a fantastic teacher. So glad they are "hooked".
    Hugs :)

  5. Looks like so much fun!!!! I want to come to one of your classes!!!

  6. Yay! So glad your class was a success Cathy. How blessed they were to have you teach them and how blessed you are to have yet more students that want to carry on the rug hooking tradition. Well done to all of you! Hugs, Lori

  7. Cathy,
    All appear to have had a wonderful time and judging from the project pictures, they had a great teacher!

    Hope your group continues to grow and enjoys much fun and fellowship around the rug hooking table.


  8. What a great group of ladies! With so much success have you thought about an on going class?

  9. And so the birth of 11 new enthusiastic hookers emerege. Congratulations!


  10. You have a nice big class! Wow!
    And what a great job they did on their pieces.
    But then they had an excellent teacher.

    Love the rug in your header!

  11. The ladies are all very lucky to live near a very talented teacher. Sounds like the class was wonderful and exciting.


  12. AWESOME!!! Wish I was nearby so we could 'hook' up!! Maybe one day!
    Karen & the Hound


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