Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rug Hooking Class to Begin and Something New On My Frame!

   It is only hours  away from the start of my beginning rug hooking class at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM.  All eleven frames are ready with the projects attached, the wool kits packed and the pile of things to load in the car is almost complete!   It's been quite a few late nights in a row for me since I started to get things ready for this class!   I mentioned to Dave when he came home for lunch today that all I had left to do was get my outline written down on paper. He laughed saying I'd better get going on that!  In all the past classes I've taught I had stuff written down that I had intended to follow and then somewhere in the course of things the list gets ignored and things just kind of progress naturally.  But the first session of this three session class has to  keep on track. It's a challenge to cover everything in the two hours we have.  It goes by so quickly.... so I'm always glad we have two more sessions to cover more material.

Last night I had this idea for a new rug grab hold of me! It HAD to be drawn on linen and wool pulled in colors I had envisioned and partially hooked to see if I liked it!   I think I do!   I'm hooking in an 8.5 size strip so it's going real quickly.  I'm thinking maybe it will be a new paper pattern... we shall see.  I'll get my classes underway and then back to the designing table.  Gosh.. everything takes so much time in this business!  Maybe it's just me getting old! LOL!   I'd much rather think like a saying I once heard... " I'm not getting old... I just need to be repotted!"   
It's the inspiration for my new design!  And of course all the new wools on the shelves around here!
Well that big snow storm is staying south of us!  Whew!  If you live down around Kansas City stay safe my friends!  At least when it snows down there it doesn't stick around too long!   We have sub zero temps here still.... oh but next week is supposed to warm up... to 35 degrees!  I'll believe it when I feel it!!

Cathy G


  1. You certainly look well organized to me. Have fun.


  2. Wow Cathy, your classes must be real fun and YOU ARE so organized. Always reaching for perfection and you are getting there.
    Oh I think that I need to be repotted worst than you but I better not say fertilized though.
    I apologize for not leaving comments lately, I was rather busy and also down in the dump this month. I've bee decluttering my my house andd i still have a long way to go.
    Good luck with your class. i know you will do fantastic.

  3. Good luck with your first class - it's really very exciting to know that you'll be getting a whole new group of people hooked on rugs - I can tell that you're a great teacher because of all your prep work....

  4. I wish I Lived near so I could attend your class :) and learn how to hook.. what beautiful rugs you make!

  5. Evening, me to, wish I lived near so you could teach me how to hook, Having a hard time, Blessings Francine.

  6. you are so busy! looking forward to seeing your new creation.

  7. Hope you enjoy your class and I'm sure the girls will have so much fun. Love the frames you have and can't wait to see what is on your frame!

  8. Have fun with your class !
    It will be amazing how it will just begin to come together...
    like second nature.

  9. Have fun with your students today!!! So glad the snow went south of you... I see your new design peeking in the corner of the pic... I think I'm going to have to hook it too! :-)

  10. It looks wonderful. I hope it goes really well. I can't wait to see your new pattern.

  11. Cold here too Cathy. I'm enjoying staying in and working on my rug. Best wishes for your class. Looks like you are well prepared. Your new design looks wonderful! The colors look to be very pretty together. Can't wait to see your full design. Have a great day. hugs, Lori

  12. Wish I were attending your class!!!! So fun! Love the blues in your new rug! Can't wait to see the finished piece!
    Stay warm!!!

  13. Cathy, I just get so envious when I see posts like this and I'm so far away...I do hope I can get together with you sometime in the near future...I need some real good teaching!!! Your corners and points are so perfect...I hate mine!

    I'm going to be up in your area the end of July for a family reunion and I INTEND TO LOOK YOU UP...hope you will be available at that time. I need wool!

    Good luck with the do not need it though as you are so talented and organized - I also can see that you need a direction but then as you say the night/class leads you.



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