Friday, February 22, 2013

Eleven Hookers Hooking! .... and Stomping!

And yes the class last night was just that!  Eleven hookers hooking and a little foot stomping as well!
More on the stomping in a bit.....
The beginning rug hooking class last evening was a roaring success!  I couldn't have asked for a more energetic, nice, fun and lovely group of ladies!  I love it when a class is so eager to learn that you can hear a pin drop in the room and not one person ( that I could see) was texting or talking on their phones!  No siree!  These are gals who want to learn how to hook rugs!  My heart skipped a beat or two also when I pulled the little finished project I had designed for them out of my bag!  Gosh... they were squealing with delight and I heard such wonderful comments... I swear they went on for two entire minutes!   My head swelled two sizes I'm sure of it!  I was well rewarded for all my work and worry in those two minutes!
I've named the little project Snow Bird in Heart.  It came about as I was thinking how lucky those people are I know who fly out of here in the winter for warmer climes then return like the birds in early Spring and Summer.  We call them Snow Birds.  My dream is to fly this coop during Winter some day too!  

But until that day I plan to continue my efforts to teach classes and meet as many lovely people as I can.
At least three ladies drove over two hours last night to attend my class!  Thank goodness we had good roads and the snow didn't start until early this morning.... we are nearing 6 inches of the white stuff as I type this.
Two of the students are left handed!  A first for me to teach someone who is left handed to hook!  But they did just fine!  They are hooking right along and figuring out what to do!  Does any one know of any hooks they'd recommend for left handed hookers?  
Oh yes.... about that stomping that occurred!  I had just finished my part in my presentation about protecting your wool stash from moth infestation... I always stress how important it is to not bring wool into your house that you don't buy new... as from a thrift shop etc. until you can throw it in the washer and dryer.  Maybe I go a little overboard but so many people don't even think of this when they are starting out hooking rugs.
Anyway... they were all gathered around me in a circle while I was instructing how to pull their first loops when out of nowhere... I am not kidding here.... a little moth or miller or winged creature of that kind landed on the floor right in the middle of things... someone said   " Oh No... look!  A Moth!"  And the stomping and whooping and fun began!  All eleven ladies made quick work of that little intruder and we were all laughing so hard we had tears streaking down our faces!  
So what are the odds of a moth in the dead of winter in a big school room land right in the middle of a wool rug hooking class?!!   
Could be a sign... of what I'm not sure!

Cathy G


  1. Oh my goodness, Cathy, I can't stop laughing. I can picture the scene in my mind and I think that the lesson was learned rather well. What' are the odds indeed... I wonder if it was a cloth moth or just a regular moth. lol...I guess you'll never know...

    I'm so glad that you are having a great class and you deserve all the praises you get. You work so hard and you are doing really well. Love the Snow bird pillow. I too wish I could fly south in a warm and sunny place for winter.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post.
    Have a wooly great weekend and stay safe and warm.


  2. Oh Cathy, That is funny! Love the hooked rug, Cheri

  3. Just imagine how surprised that moth was to see all those women hell bent on his demise! Sounds like you all had a wonderful night...the little birdie is so sweet! I'd love to hook your robin...will you be drawing any on linen? I would gladly trade you a bit of sunshine for some of the white stuff! Have a great weekend and congrats on a job well done...teach!

  4. Oh my, way to funny....Love your little rug, so cute, Francine.

  5. Cute little pattern!! Sounds like fun!! I'm left handed and use a Hartman hook ~ I don't think it matters which hand ~ just finding the most comfortable hook is the thing!!!

  6. Oh, Cathy, your class sounds like so much fun...guess you are Professor Orange Sink now! I just love that little bird pillow, I can well understand why they so pleased to see is lovely.

  7. Love your project for your beginners, so fun. If that moth had any friends, they aren't coming out any time soon.

  8. I love your project. It sounds like so much fun. I can't even imagine how a moth landed when it has been so cold there.

  9. Oh what fun!I wish I could go to one of your classes even though I am a hooker I would love to be around all those ladies.

  10. Cathy,
    What a cute project! No wonder your students squealed!! Loved your moth story. I can just picture all of you laughing over it. So glad your class was a success. I was sure it would be! We are getting snow also. I'm almost done hooking my horse rug. A good day for it. Hugs, Lori

  11. Cathy ~
    What a great little project and congrats on so many students!
    I, too, long to be a snow bird some day...sigh.
    Hugs :)

  12. I loooove the project for your students...this is just a great post - we all love living through you who can not hook as least for me it is!

  13. What a riot! That little moth never knew what hit him... i'm sure of it! lol! Your design for the class is so sweet! Love it! Yes, to be able to fly south for the winter would be fun! I'd even settle for a month! lol! Stay warm and safe during the storm and smile big knowing you made 11 ladies so very happy yesterday! :-) Gotta love it!

  14. oh cathy, i am so happy for you that your class went so well, that you had fun students -- and fun with that little moth (may she rest in peace in a wooly moth heaven!!) i am looking forward to seeing pulled loops on those cute little birds!! hugs - dag

  15. Congrats Cathy on what I am sure was a most wonderful class!!! I would of loved to go to one of your classes!

    we got about 3 1/2" of snow... OLM

  16. Cathy I love your hooked project!It is beautiful.How funny about the moth.Hugs,Jen

  17. Love your bird in heart pillow, the colors and design are delightful. Kudos on having such a great turnout and hookin students.


  18. Wonderful post.
    Just loved every word.
    Wish I lived closer and could come to one of your classes.
    You are so talented.
    Woolie hugs

  19. You came up with a perfect project for your beginning class - did any of the gals finish their project? Sounds like it was a wonderful evening!

  20. Beautiful little project!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  21. Love this sweet little mat/pillow. I have some of that red wool that still needs washing and I can't wait to use it after seeing how it hooks up! Plus I love that little gray check behind the pillow that is on the shelf. Not sure I have any of that wool but it sure looks wonderful. Maria

  22. Oh what fun, how I wish I could attend your hooking classes. I would have loved to see your face as this moth flew about, I mean what are the chances...perhaps a sign of good luck... I love the designs you offer your students. I confess I am left handed, yes-sur-ree I am a lefty, no special hook needed. I hook on a hoop only, never could master a frame or frame with stand...It is snowing here in Maine, yet again, no signs of spring here in my neck of the woods. Greetings from snowy Maine, Julie.

  23. WI is a little too far to attend your class, darn! I have seen many a hooked rug that I like... May have to look into who does it around here! This Snow Bird in Heart is really cute! The backing fabric is perfect! Hope to see more inspiration! Hugs!

  24. Cathy, I enjoyed reading about your class. My husband's parents were snowbirds, for years before finally moving to Texas. They both enjoyed their time as Snowbirds. Looks like you used the gray and white plaid to hook the area surrounding the heart, what a great design! The little bird looks so happy, it can brighten any snowy day!

    Stay snug and warm! Jo


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