Monday, December 3, 2012

What's White and Cream and Wooley All Over?

A White Wool Feather Tree of course!  Made by my own two hands!   This past weekend Jill, my partner in crime LOL! from North Woods Wool got together in the studio and figured out how to construct a wool feather tree!  We didn't have to start from scratch however as we had a kit that I had won in a blog give-away a year or so ago!  Many of you know Joanne from Snippets and Scraps of my Mind blog. Well let me tell you what a sweetheart she is!  When I won the feather tree kit from her blog I actually didn't think it would take me a whole year to put it together!  Ah... but then again..... I should have known.  It takes me longer to do everything these days than I think.

Well, Joanne has been an angel about answering questions and helping me to the point where I feel comfortable that I can teach a class in constructing your very own tree!  So those blog readers who live near me...... I'd like to let you know we will be having a class here in the studio right after Christmas.  We decided these trees are so dang cute you will want to leave them out right through Valentines Day.  Tiny little hearts for decorations..... how sweet would that be?

So you can email me or give me a call to let me know if you would like to get on the list for the class. We will let you know particulars at that time!

Another thing I'd like to let local readers know is that the Studio will be open this Saturday from 10:00 til 4:00.  Jill and I will be here to help with your wooley needs and perhaps get you started on a project or help with a gift. 

I think I've pulled a dozen loops on my French Urn Pattern since I last wrote.  My Mom is doing really well after her cataract surgery and has an appointment with the eye surgeon again this week.
If you are experiencing this rainy, dreary, awful depressing ( sorry but it's true!) weather where you suggestion is to make yourself a wonderful cup of hot mocha latte' coffee and stir with an amaretto stick.... light a candle..... and nestle in your favorite chair.  Perhaps with a fur friend or two.
Keeps the dark thoughts at bay and nurtures the soul for 
the long winter ahead!
Cathy G


  1. Cathy, I've seen some feather trees but your 's is the nicest and cutest I've seen yet. It would look sweet with hearts as you said. You're so smart.

    I'm glad that your mom is doing so well.

  2. Your feather tree turned out great!
    Aren't they fun to make???

  3. Cathy ~
    You are way ahead of me. I got a kit from Joanne, too. Probably 3 years ago! One of these days...sigh.
    So glad to hear mom is doing well.
    Hugs :)

  4. Your woolie tree looks great! Glad your mom is on the mend :)

  5. Your tree looks wonderful maybe some day I will get to make one.

  6. Wool, coffee and doggies!!!! You've got my attention! :-)

  7. This wool tree is fab. Wish I lived close by as I'd be ready and waiting to take the class. Enjoy the season and your mocha latte coffee!!!

  8. It may have taken you a year to make but it sure is pretty. I made a goose feather tree a few years ago and guess I'd better pull it out and take a picture.

    Glad your mom id doding better.


  9. Your tree looks lovely!! Wish I lived closer! I would love to take your class! Beautiful!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  10. I hope you have the sun shining there today. We have a bit of a glimmer. I love your tree. You know Cathy, if I wasn't all of the was across the U.S. from you I would be there every time your door was open. :) I would just love to make one of those little trees.
    I also really like the base that it is in.
    I hope you have a nice day today.

  11. Love it Cathy! How wonderful...something to ponder! your header photo in its entirety..

    Have a great day!


  12. Cathy, this little tree is so sweet! How I wish I could take your class and make one of my own. Glad your mom is doing well.

  13. Love your tree!! I wish I lived closer so I could take your class!! glad to hear your mom is doing better!

  14. Cathy - you did a wonderful job with tree - it's awesome for sure and I just gave you some minor tips for getting kits ready - nothing much - you did it all with your two hands! Love it! I have a class this weekend and wishing you the best of luck with your classes - I know we always have a good time "twirling" and whirling! When you having yours? I've been known to get in my car and go.................... LOL

  15. Your white woolly tree is darling! And in regard how long it takes you to do something ~ it's the same here!! I can't believe how long it takes me to accomplish something ~ scary!! Have fun at your class!!,

  16. Cathy, So glad your mom is doing well. I wish my dad would do it...much needed, but he's scared to death... no fighting with him... Love your tree! Just wonderful! OLM

  17. I would love to be able to take your class. Unfortunately, I am too far away. Your tree is truly wonderful. Will you be selling kits?

  18. I don't think I've seen a wooly feather tree before. :-) love it!

  19. I too love the tree and would definitely be interested in a kit........

  20. I would take your class in a heartbeat if I lived close enough! No kidding! I have a little feather tree out that my mom ordered for me about 15 years ago from LL Bean. I love it! But.... I agree that your little white wooly one can be left up for how ever long you want. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. You always write the sweetest things. You're a dear bloggy friend!


  21. It might have taken a year but it was worth the wait. It looks adorable. I wish I lived closer because I would take your class! Glad to hear your Mom is doing well.
    Hugs, Kim

  22. So cute Cathy! Wish I lived closer....... sounds like fun!!!

  23. What a beautiful post, Cathy. Love that tree. Joanne is one of the sweetest girls I have never met (in person). Love her to pieces. Glad to hear your mom is doing well.
    Happy precious, talented gal!

  24. Cathy, what a lovely holiday project, I wish I could write "count me in for the class"!! - Too far..! Well, I will be there in spirit!! Have a wonderful holiday season, I am looking forward to more pictures!

  25. Wish I lived in the area but would be interested in a kit.


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