Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Quickie Snowman Ornament!

When Dave came home for lunch today he was looking at the junk mail flyers that came in the mail before taking them out to the recycling.  He noticed the Christmas decorations in one of them and said " I should go buy a little snowman ornament for my desk at work."   I said " I didn't know you wanted anything like that on your desk...."  Hmmmmm   I think he's getting into the Holiday spirit this year do ya think?  
Anyway I asked him if he wanted me to make him one and he said I probably wouldn't have time.  Well.... he sort of got that right!  Between working in my studio, household stuff, making arrangements so that I can sit at the hospital tomorrow while my Mom has cataract surgery I probably didn't need another project right at the moment!  

But I thought to myself...... what if it were to be a real quickie little snowman..... something that wouldn't matter if someone decided to snatch it from his desk at the newspaper office!
Grabbed a piece of natural wool..... one of those cheapie plastic star ornaments for the base..... hand stitched a snowman shape..... stuffed with batting and let some peak out the bottom to look like snow... sewed by hand onto the star base.... tied a wool worm ( strip of wool) around for scarf...stuck straight pins in for buttons..... used an orange marker to color the end of a toothpick and broke it off and stuck it through wool for the nose...... black marker for eyes.... DONE! 
A real quickie for a real sweetie!  
Now.... onto more important matters!!  LOL!

I still have some Red House Feather Tree patterns on linen available for $25.00 which includes the postage to USA and Canada.  You can email me at antcathy@charter.net if you would like one to hook up real quick like for Christmas!  Hmmmm think I'm noticing a theme here..... quick is good though when it turns out better than expected!!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy,

    I don't know about you, but I sure do love a good quickie, project that is! Love him! and good until march in our neck of the woods! OLM

  2. Hi, ahhh so sweet....hope he enjoys it.......love the tree pattern, so wonderful........Blessings Francine.

  3. Great little snowman and I'm sure your hubby appreciates it! Wishing your mom a quick recovery on her eye surgery :)

  4. Bless your heart for doing this cute snowman for Dave. He looks adorable even though he was a quickie project. It just goes to show how creative you are. I'm sure he will love it.

    Hope that your mom cataract operation goes smoothly and that she will not have too much discomfort.
    Take care and stay safe and warm.

    HUgs, JB

  5. Sweetness!..love your little snowman. Wish Mr. STP was in the Christmas spirit. Oh well! Hoping all goes well for your mom tomorrow.

  6. Ahhhh so sweet of you to whip that up - cute! Love your feather tree pattern!

  7. Love the snowman and the feather tree. I have this large rug I am trying to finish before christmas.
    oh and I still havent made a decision on snow.

  8. Sounds as if you also have the Christmas spirit and the joy of giving. That was very sweet of you to do that and he will be bragging about his wife at the office when he gets compliments on it.


  9. A man that wants a snowman for his desk is a gentleman!.."Keep him" & give him a big hug to go with that darlin snowman!
    Big smiles from your post!

  10. Adorable little snowman, and how sweet that you stitched it up for your hubby. I'll bet he loved it.

  11. Love your snowman. I am so glad I found you. I sent you an e-mail Florence


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