Sunday, December 16, 2012

Healing and Ways to Help

Dear friends,
If you have been struggling with broken hearts and grief for the victims from Sandy Hook School this past week please join me as we find a path together to heal and help our families who have lost so much.
The days here have been dark and raining a constant drizzle on the nice snowfall we received last weekend.   So somber but in a sense so appropriate.  The heavens must weep tears of sorrow for babies so innocent and the precious teachers for whom evil violence were no match. 
Need I go on about Christmas being changed forever for these families.... the presents that no doubt had already been purchased... ..... my mind can't even begin to go there.
Healing from deep wounds and loss is a process.  It takes time most of all but the process has a beginning. There are steps  that help the mind and heart begin to mend. 
Our dear blogging friend and fellow rug hooker Sarah Mcnamara from Paisley Rug Hooking Studio has links to specific funds set up to help victims families with needs to cope on her blog. 
It's a good way to help and begin our own healing processes.
Lighting a remembrance candle has been a source of comfort for me in dealing with my distraught. 
One small flame united with many others around the world creates a powerful energy source from which all can draw strength. I find that enormously comforting. 
No matter your faith, beliefs or walk in life you can join in the process.
Our nation and world has deep and serious problems to deal with.  We all want to do what we can to make things better for  future generations on this planet.   Perhaps the sacrifice of the most innocent and seemingly helpless among us will pave the way for great changes. One can only pray and have hopes that something of greatness and good will evolve.
Blessings this day and days to come dear readers. 
Thank-you for your kind comments and continued support of one another.

Cathy G


  1. Very kind sentiments, Cathy. The whole thing leaves us almost speechless. Peace to all those families in that little town.

  2. Beautiful post Cathy, thank you for sharing the link..


  3. There are no words but yours were echoes of everybodys thoughts at this sad time.Prayers continue for their loss.

  4. My hope is that we as humans can find the faith to get us through this terrible tragedy.
    It is an awful thing to happen at any time of year but this is the worst.

  5. Thank you for these words. Tonight my husband and I will light remembrance candles just as you said. It is a good way to completely and deeply focus on one thought. I want to believe what you said about "something of greatness and good will evolve". It's up to us.

  6. Cathy, bless your heart for this post. My heart is heavy with grief too. Our priest has family connection in Newtown and has been in the church where half of the dead children belonged to their congregation. So even if this happened in the US, it affects us too here in Canada. Children are children and borders don't count.

  7. A beautiful post Cathy...I love you words...I will burn a candle in their honor.

  8. What a beautiful post Cathy.


  9. Beautifully said. Sad, so sad.
    Hugs :)

  10. Lovely words, Cathy. It is all so very sad.

  11. So very horrible and sad. I spent many years teaching in a K-4 building, and these unseen images are haunting. One feels powerless, but maybe it's a good time to purchase a winter coat for a wee one and drop it off at a local elementary school. Most schools are collecting this time of year, and can get it to the right family. Just a thought.



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