Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Room With a View

This is the view from a window in my studio today.  It faces the wood pile so I can see exactly how much wood is left as opposed to how much winter is left!!  So far so good!  LOL!
It's a pretty view.   I'm not much of a winter person even though I was born in December.  Three days before Christmas.  Yup..... usually no one notices the old gal turned another year older with all the fuss about Christmas and all!   That's okay... focus on the reason for the season!!
 Did you notice I decorated the little wool feather tree I made and showed a couple of posts back?  

I added some little red berries and pine cones to the ends of the branches.  A little vintage cardinal adds a bright red pop to the white birch bark base.  
We are teaching a class to make your own wool feather tree here in the studio on Sat. January 12th, 2013
It promises to be a fun filled class with good company, a healthy lunch( because we know you all will be on diets right after the Holidays ( wink...) and the latest on what's happening at the Red House  in the new year!
So if you are local and would like to sign up or would like more information as to price etc. please email me using the email button in the upper left hand corner of the blog.

I have been working on a little Holiday Wishes applique and embroidery piece.  The pattern is a Buttermilk Basin design.  We sell the patterns here in the studio.

I'm not that good at embroidery even though I love it.... you may recall some of my past attempts at the feather stitch......! I just can't seem to get the hang of it!!  This little piece is supposed to have some feather stitching but I may opt for a simpler cross stitch.  
It would be nice to get this done before Christmas!
How is your Holiday prep coming along?
 Hope you are way ahead of the game and enjoying all those decorations and beautifully decorated homes I've been spying out there on the blogs!
It's a most wonderful time of the year!!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy, your feather tree has found the perfect spot to welcome the daylight each morning. I love the red berries and pine cones. It looks stunning in the wintery background. It looks so magical.


  2. Early Happy Birthday to you Cathy, love your room with a beautiful view. And that feather tree is SWEET

  3. Cathy, the wool feather tree looks beautiful on the sill looking outside with the snow covered area. I've one the dyed goose feather tree but maybe a wool tree is in my future since yours looks so delightful.

    Happy Holiday.


  4. Looks like you will be having a white Christmas. So beautiful!
    Your decorations make your home look so festive and inviting.

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  5. Now that is a beautiful view from your studio!The feather tree is delightful with the cute tiny ornaments and the pretty red bird.Love what you are working on,so festive.Blessings,Jen

  6. Cathy,

    Love the view! happy early birthday!!! I hope you have a fun day & I wish I was closer I would love to come to your studio! OLM

  7. Wow, that is a beautiful view Cathy. Snow looks so pretty from the inside. But it's when you have to go outside and deal with it that I get seriously cranky!

  8. Looks like it will be a white Christmas after all, so pretty....lovely little tree, love it.....Blessings Francine.

  9. Cathy ~
    I thought I was ahead of the game, but stuff happens and it's not going as planned and I may be having 12-15 people here for lunch on Saturday. I think I'm in big trouble!!!
    Hugs :)

  10. Cathy, what a beautiful view out your window...you have SNOW!!! I am so envious...

  11. that's a beautiful photo, lover the tiny add on decorations!
    snow!!!! bbbrrr!

  12. ooh...I love seeing the snow! What a beautiful view you have...so lovely and serene. Great job on the candy cane applique...the color combo and different fabrics look wonderful!

  13. What a breathtaking view outside your window! I keep telling my hubby we need to move to WI! lol! Absolutely LOVE the feather tree in a birch base! And, the red cardinal and berries really pop! What a work of art! Patiently waiting for the weekend here..... so I can get back my hooks and stitches! :-)

  14. I just Love your tree....will you sell a pattern to make it ???? I live in New England & driving out to your class....my husband would put me away !!!

  15. I love your snow! I really wish it would snow here. We used to have it all the time, but weather has changed quite a bit over the past 10 years or so, and I miss it. I ADORE your little white tree with it's sweet red berries in the window. Such a wonderful December scene!


  16. Yes, I did notice you'd decorated your wool fether tree and it looks very festive. Looks quite lovely in that spot with the snow outside and warm athmosphere inside.


  17. Cathy,
    Love your feather tree. That birch bark base suits it to a tea. That and all the snow are two things I don't think I'll see this year here in Florida. But glad you can enjoy it.

  18. Cathy your tree is so beautiful - I'd so love to come and learn to make it but it's just too far. Maybe after that you could do an on-line tut???
    Love the design in the last photo with the Candy Cane. Fun.

    Could your view from your studio be more beautiful!


  19. cathy, your view is indeed lovely - i can tell you, my whole family would not mind a white Christmas!The tree decorations are just the perfect touch for your woolen tree andI love your appliqué piece! one day i wanna make something like that! Enjoy the season and the excitement of getting ready - for birthday and Christmas! hugs - Dag


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