The flowers in my window box on the front deck are doing pretty well considering the hot dry summer and they get the hot afternoon sun everyday. I planted a yellow mum plant the other day to add a little hint of fall color.
We've had some beautiful rains the past couple of nights. The landscape is green here but it's an "August green" if you know what I mean.
I always plant marigolds in every garden because they add color when everything else has finished blooming. The soft purple of the ageratum and the lavender buds compliment the pumpkin colored blossoms of the marigold.
The sedum will be turning to a soft rosy mauve in another week or so. The pink zinnia's have started to bloom again after the recent rains.
You wouldn't think it's the time of year to plant strawberries.... but my Mom ordered some new plants last week and had too many for her little garden..... so guess who ended up with the surplus! The bigger plants you see are the ones I planted this Spring. I cut them back and replanted. I'm hoping for a bigger crop next year. The few that I picked this spring were so sweet and flavorful! I am going to be sure and tuck these new little babies in for the winter with lots of mulch. ( the holes next to the new little plants were made by the chipmunks investigating..... so far they haven't dug them up..... we don't have a swimming pool for which they can find entertainment so they stay busy digging in the gardens!!... :)) (for Robin at the "Cranky Crow"- click here if you missed her garden tour was wonderful!)
Well I have to show you my new compost bin! Mr. Orange sink built me this a couple of weeks ago from the old boards that used to be the front deck before he built the new one. I've been wanting a compost bin for a long time but Mr. O thought the bears might find the kitchen scraps too tempting. This summer he caved and built me one. Our yard is surrounded by chain link fence but bears would have no problem climbing over that. So far no bears..... so maybe they don't really care for cucumber peelings, pepper seeds and lettuce.
The naked cherubs on the new fountain I bought this Spring are still pouring their little hearts out! The never ending stream of trickling water makes soothing music while I'm hooking in the studio a few steps away.
A rocky path will lead you to the back door of my studio should you come to visit and you might be greeted by a friendly canine!
Mr. O likes to keep his wood pile covered when there's a chance of rain. Needless to say it sat uncovered for most of the summer. He's been cutting and splitting and stacking firewood on the hottest of weekends. For him the saying is really true that the firewood " warms you twice"!
The shadows are long. The days are getting shorter. The colors of August are here but for a moment.
Cathy G