Saturday, July 7, 2012

Piddling Around and My Eyeball Plant

Well, my wool order from Heaven's to Betsy didn't show up yesterday.  I was bummed because now I have to wait until Monday to meet Lucy Blue face to face!   So being all in the mood to hook something..... anything......  I drew a couple of circles on some linen, closed my eyes and envisioned a sunflower.  A little coaster sized mat  materialized.  Maybe it looks more like an eyeball  than a sunflower?    

In the next circle ( about 10 inches in diameter) I decided to play with neutrals.  I always have a hard time with neutrals.  I love how they look but Mrs. Orange Sink cannot seem to hook a neutral colored mat if her life depended on it. So this is what I came up with.....

I know.... maybe not what most would consider neutral but I'm working on it.

I even decided to get a little funky with this one and put a wavy edge on it.  Fun maybe until it comes time to bind it.  I don't think it will be too bad though.  I should have done the Eaton edge on it but I didn't take the time.

Some of my readers had asked what an Eyeball Plant was from a previous post on the garden tour to the Safferts.  Here is a photo of it I took this morning.

It isn't doing all that great. Something's eating the leaves which I find strange because if chewed they have numbing qualities. In fact if chewed enough I read they will numb your entire mouth enough to interfere with swallowing etc.   Go HERE to read up on them.  It's actually the Para Cress plant or some call it the toothache plant.     I could have used some of this on my lower extremities these past couple of weeks.... if you know what I mean!  LOL!   Today is the first day I have actually felt somewhat normal.  Now if I can just stay clear of bees and gynecologists for the rest of the summer maybe things will start to look up!
Now if that wool would get here Monday....... there's a couple of wild horses waiting for their background to be hooked!

Cathy G 


  1. The sunflowers are great. I have a hard time with neutrals as well. I love them, but somehow colors just slip in! Strange plant, I must say. But showy!
    Hope your Lucy wool comes soon.

  2. Hi Cathy, do love the hooked sunflower, hope you get your wool Monday. That is one weird plant,to funny. Have a great day, Blessings Francine.

  3. Loving your little coasters! Especially the 2nd that black against your "neutrals" :)

  4. The coasters are looking very nice I think. And they would make wonderful chair pads if made larger. Hope you get your Lucy Blue tomorrow.


  5. I think a wavy border would look great on the flower with the multi colored petals! Might even make it large enough for a candle mat? I'm anxious to see the finish on the horse rug too! It sure is a beauty!

  6. ha, now that's what i'm talking about!! a new project - i love your little sunflowers, i do not at all see any eyeballs, cathy!! perfect for this weekend in waiting of lucy blue! have a great sunday, glad you are feeling back to normal!!

  7. Cathy: Well, as mom used to say, I just learn something new every day. An eyeball plant is a new one for me, and very intriguing. Thanks. I'm with you on neutrals. I absolutely love Karen Kahle's work and yet I'm not sure I could hook with that many neutrals and muted shades in my own work. Perhaps, as you're doing, I should try it. There might be a new passion out there for me! Hope you feel better soon. XXXXXXX

  8. love the little mats, that's some plant!
    hope you continue to heal, and feel better!

  9. Well girl, you are so creative. Even hooking eyeball plant rugs. I thought that I knew a lot about flowers but this is the first time I hear about eyeball plants. Interesting that they have a numbing effect. Bugs don't know that apparently.

    I love your different takes of eyeball plant rugs and so glad that you are feeling back to normal Bee careful...

    Hugs, JB

  10. Great little coasters/mats! I'm the same way with neutrals - i huge struggle for me - I love the drab and prim but i tend to get too much color in things - oh well the antique rugs were once bright right? Glad you are feeling a tad better and hope you feel 100% right away!

  11. what a great idea for mats.
    your plant is very diffrent.

  12. Looks great, Im sure your wool will be in tomorrows mail! I will have to try the Eaton binding on my next rug, sounds great!!! Enjoy your hooking :) ~All My Best, Kimberly

  13. That was such an interesting post.It gave me a lot to think about.I love the Eye ball plant. Does it have another name?Cheri

  14. I've never heard of that kind of plant but it is very interesting. If you see some animal in your yard drooling with a dazed look, you will know who the culprit is eating the leaves! Lol
    Great little mats. It's fun to do those small projects.

  15. Cathy, Love your little mats...and I have never heard of your eyeball plant. How interesting...thanks for sharing!!


  16. Your mats are looking very nice and great info on the eyeball plant...never heard of one!

  17. Good Morning Cathy!

    I think your little neutral mat turned out darling! A set of little coasters like that would be really cute and a super gift. Neutrals can be hard for me too. I love them, but after hooking them for a bit I can't help myself but to throw in some brights. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog... and love the eyeball plant!

  18. Cathy,

    So glad you are feeling better, I am loving your rug! I wish I had more time to give this rug hooking a good try, I even finally have a frame, must hook! OLM

  19. I think perhaps my "issue" with neutrals is why I'm so lacking in hooking mojo these cat rug is mostly neutrals, and I'm just in a rut.

    Thanks for sharing the info on the eyeball plant - interesting to say the least. I thought for sure once I saw it, I'd recognize it - but it's a new one for me as well. Look out for looped up bug in your yard! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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