Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lucy Blue.... Where are You?!!!

I know it's crazy but after not having a rug on the frame for so long I decided to start one on Monday!  What better way to keep ones mind occupied on something other than the intense heat outside than some intense designing and color planning a new rug( in the AC of course).  One of my rug hooking students requested a design with horses so this is what I came up with.  It is based on an antique rug from the 19th century and is a runner that measures 11 by 30 inches. 
I also decided to try a new binding method called the Doris Eaton Edge.  Maybe you have heard about it and watched the video on You Tube.  If you haven't well HERE is the link and I suggest you give it a try on your next rug.  It is super easy and is a nice looking and durable binding.   The only draw back that  I encountered was having to decide what color I wanted the binding to be before I actually hooked the rug.  I usually wait until I'm done hooking to make that decision because as you know the color of this type of binding  can effect the overall look of the rug.  Well not wanting a silly little thing like  that stop me from trying this exciting new binding method I forged ahead and made the choice of navy blue.  One of the horses in the rug is blue. 
I still haven't decided on a couple of colors for the background yet.  Hence the title of my post.... Lucy Blue.... where are you?  
Last Thursday I placed an order for the new wools just released by Heavens To Betsy.  One of the wools I ordered is named Lucy Blue.  I'm not sure but I think that wool may be the perfect blue for part of the background in this rug.  The only problem is Lucy Blue is still making her way here on a truck and is probably spending a hot night or two on the Ohio Turnpike with all the other packages westbound from Claverack, New York!
I'm at the point now where I need that wool to decide if it's the right one before I can progress any further on this rug!  If you know me..... the hooking maniac from hell ( stayed up til 3:00 am this morning hooking and trying to decide on colors)  I'm going crazy not being able to continue because the wool isn't here!  

Maybe it won't be the blue I'm after but it's really hard to tell from the little 2 inch square of it on the sample sheet.  
So tomorrow I'll be watching for that  UPS truck to pull in the drive-way and hopefully Lucy Blue will be all rested up and ready for her trip through the hot wash cycle in my washing machine. For as quick as you can say Lucy Blue.... where are you?...... I'll be running her through the Townsend!
To be continued........
Cathy G


  1. Holy cow !! That rug is tooo awesome !! I love the design, your color choices, your hooking I say wow ???
    Oh, UPS man hurry ! I can't wait to see it finished !!! :)

  2. LOVE that rug!! You do such beautiful work!! Hope you had a great 4th of July.
    Karen & the Hounds

  3. Happy 4th Cathy! Great rug! Hopefully your wool will be delivered tomorrow, my shipment arrived on Monday...Lucy Blue is a greenish's lovely!

  4. Nothing like waiting for wool to make it to your house. Love seeing how that rug is coming are one fast maniac! I did watch the video on the binding and explained it to one of my friends, I think she's going to give it a try as well.

  5. Cathy G,
    I adore your rug!!! Your adaptation of the antique rug is fabulous. And I love the colors and the way you are hooking the background. I couldn't get the video to come in on my iPad with the link for some reason but your binding looks like how I do my binding. It is a drawback if you are not sure what color to do the background but I love this method and the finishing is so much quicker too. Thanks for sharing. Keep cool over there! It's going to be cooler at night starting tomorrow night so that will help. Hope you get the cool too. Hugs, Lori

  6. Like your design and colors. Hope Lucy Blue makes it to you today. I'm expecting some wool from Betsy and Kris Miller also.


  7. Awesome rug! I'm doing a rug with lots of blue in it right now. So pretty. I'll have to check out the binding technique. Keep us posted on Lucy.

  8. Love the rug you are working on and thank for the link, I have never seen that kind of edge. May have to try it some time.

  9. Love the rug you are working on!
    Have a great day!

  10. Cathy~ Looking very pretty~ great colors~
    enjoy your day~

  11. As always love your work. And thanks for sharing the video on binding. I do sew my binding on before I start hooking but never tried the row of reverse hooking first. Will give it a try.

    Thanks and here is hoping you get your blue and it is what you are needing.

  12. Cathy, I LOVE this rug so far! Can't wait to see it finished with whatever color...Lucy Blue or another!! Hope it comes today so that you can continue...thanks for sharing the binding link!


  13. Great looking rug, Cathy! The colors are wonderful! Hope your wool arrives soon so we can see this beauty finished. Going over to check out the new binding technique.

  14. WOW Cathy I LOVE that rug AND the colors you've chosen!!!!
    I have my swatches too and sure do wish that I could order some wool!!! I think Lucy Blue will work.

  15. Absolutely beautiful! I'll be checking out the binding technique next! Thanks!

  16. Happy Belated Independence Day Cathy! Hope you stayed cool in the A/C....YIKES it's been oppressive (and I'm a "hot weather" kind of gal....but I am partial to breathing as well....) Your horsey rug is GORGEOUS!! I've never been so drawn to horses as to want to hook one - but you're making me change my mind....this one has just the right folky design - and the colors are so rich and wonderful. I LOVE it! My friend some times binds her rugs in a similar way. When she explained it to me, I had the same thought - I could never decide ahead of time what I'd want the binding to be..... Hope that brown truck shows up today! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  17. Great looking rug!! You are a hooking machine!!

  18. I really love that design. I saw that tutorial on the Doris Eaton edge and wondered about knowing ahead of time what color binding to use. I miss getting the samples and buying wool from Betsy but haven't needed anything. I always love her selections. Stay cool!

  19. Love the colors in your rug Cathy! Tell Dave I also love his deer in the banner. What a great picture. Hope you're doing well and staying cool!!!


  20. Hi Cathy, I guess those bees stings must have brought back your hooking Mojo. That rug looks fantastic. I love the colors and that wool is so yummy. I'm so looking forward to trying that Eaton Edge too. I've met Doris last year at the Maritimes Fibre Art Retreat and she's a wonderful lady. I also have her new book A Lifetime of Hooking but I hadn't seen her video on the Eaton Edge. Thanks for the link.

    Take care and happy hooking and stay cool.


  21. good luck with a hopefully short wait for lucy blue and hopefully for it being the right color!!! waiting is terrible sometimes, isn't it??!! ;-)
    thanks for sharing the binding technique! i watched the video and thought it looks very interesting indeed. i wanna discuss it with my hooking friends, see if possibly someone has tried it!! happy hooking and stay cool, cathy!

  22. Love your rug! I have got to check out that video.Thanks Cheri

  23. cant believe how much hooking you get done! love the pattern and colors.. thats always the worst for me, deciding on the colors... im hoping you got your wool today and im sure we will see a finished rug tomorrow! hope you are feeling better my friend! enjoy your day!


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