Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Tour of Sue's house and a special Thank-you!

Lately I've been feeling as old as these teddies!  Seriously.... my health hasn't been the greatest.  Nothing to do but wait for a few test results and see if the Docs can help me out.   I'm just plugging along one day at a time here.
I have those photos of Sue's house and collections to share with you.  There are quite a few so I may break them up into the ones from her house first and then the ones from their cabin in another post.  
The antique teddies above are one of her collections.  Aren't they the sweetest thangs! 

Sue has marvelous displays in every corner of her home. It is an old farmhouse with so much warmth and charm you never want to leave!  She has many family pieces and blends them with the antiques she's collected.  I just have to be braggy and make sure you notice the oval hooked rug on this chest... it's one I made for Sue a couple of years ago for her birthday.  It really looks great with her pewter display don't you think?

These two are the sweethearts of the farm!  Sue's dogs Punky and Buster!  The sweetest dogs and I think they are a german water spaniel mix...... I probably have that wrong.... if you read this Sue leave a comment with the correct breed.... they are wonderful dogs and I know Sue has a soft spot for them like I do my two fur kids!  

This stack of old wooden bowls is wonderful.... and notice the old tin Christmas tree cookie cutter with the candles on the branches.... have you ever seen one like this?  I think it is a pretty rare cookie cutter!

A wonderful collection of antique Quimper pieces. 

A china cabinet full of Christmas, paper mache rabbit candy containers, sheep, and Santa collectibles!  What wonderful things collected over many years!

A lovely old doll amongst some antique toys and dishes rests on top of another cabinet in the living room.

An antique leaded glass window that is made into a shelf to hold pewter and candle molds. It really makes a beautiful display!  Notice the wonderful old betty lamp in the lower right hand corner!

Antique  coverlets, children's clothing and shoes, painted sugar buckets and more.

A nice collection of antique weather vanes.  I wish I would have taken more photos of things in her house.  Of course these were all taken before the notorious bee sting when we got to the cabin!  I have a ton of photos to share of the cabin so stay tuned!

I cannot close this post without saying Thank-you to Linda.... a very dear blogger and fellow rug hooker who is the author of the blog The Wool Cupboard!  I won a give-away a while back she was having for her 150th post!  
How do you like my winnings? I LOVE everything and have been devouring the book about rug hooking!  I can't wait to use some of this lovely wool in the best colors in a future rug!  Linda sent a wonderful card which is giving me some inspiration for color too!  I love the rug Linda just completed which she has photos of how she hung it on a cupboard door!  It looks fabulous!  You need to check it out on her blog if you haven't already!  I am inspired every time she does a post!  Thank-you again Linda!! be continued with more photos of the cabin and a special famous homespun dress!

Cathy G 


  1. The pictures are lovely. My favorite is the cookie cutter tree how unusual!!!! I just love it. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Cathy ~
    I hope you feel better soon. I turned 60 and feel like I am falling apart! This growing old stuff is not for sissies!
    Wool Cupboard Linda is such a sweetie! That is a wonderful book.
    Thanks for the house tour. Everything is just beautiful and so artfully displayed! I noticed that hooked rug right away and thought it must be from you!
    Hugs :)

  3. Thanks for posting these lovely photos, I love looking at other people's decor!
    What I love the most, is all those mismatched candles in the candle molds!!! LOVE THAT!! I will definitely be doing that with mine!!!!

  4. Cathy, I so hope you are feeling better soon! It's so hard when we are feeling under the weather... BUT OH my, the tour, wonderful, that cookie cutter to die for, love it all!!! OLM

  5. Cathy, Loved your photos of Sue's house...esp. loved the leaded glass window and the christmas tree cookie cutter!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well...praying that your tests turn out fine and that you'll be 100% soon.

    I'm happy that you are enjoying the Pat Cross book and the wool. Thank you for the kind words about my blog, and I look forward to your projects and posts, as well!


  6. What wonderful collections your dear friend has gathered. Love the little blue cupboard from your previous post,and of course the sweet little hooked rug. No, I have never seen a cookie cutter quite like that of the christmas tree w/candles, unusual. Congratulations, what a terrific blog win. Growing old is not for the faint of heart!!! Feel well soon, sending well wishes-Hugs, Julie.

  7. Sorry to hear you're not feeling the best Cathy.
    Hope you find some answers.
    Beautiful home and such wonderful collections and displays! Thanks for inviting us in!!!
    Can't wait to see the cabin!
    Congrats on your win ~ such wonderful wool goodies!!! Enjoy!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Oh my! How lovely are the photos, such an appealing home. Please yes, post more as you are able. I sincerely hope you get to feeling better!

  9.'s like a wonderful museum. I bet you could spend hours and hours and hours seeing every little thing. My question: what kind of nightmare is it to dust it all??? (Can you tell I hate to dust?)

    Can't wait to see more. PS Take good vitamins and get a nap when you can...hope you're back to yourself soon.

  10. Thanks for sharing pics of such a warm and inviting home! Everything looks so loved and peaceful! I hope the tests can help the docs get you back to your normal self again! It's very frustrating when you have so much you enjoy doing but not enough energy to do it... hugs!

  11. What a lovely tour. She has a great knack for creating gorgeous little spaces. I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I hope your docs can get things sorted out. My vitamin D was extremely that I'm on a giant dosage, I feel much better. It can be scary when you feel so crummy, though.
    Big hugs,

  12. Thank you for taking us along to your Friends
    beautiful home. What treasures.
    Saying a little prayer for you too.

  13. Awww Cathy - so sorry you aren't feeling well - I hope the tests bring some resolution and get you on the road to normal. Thank you for the tour of your friends house - it's absolutely wonderful and so warm and inviting - love it! I have to say - the other day I was out shopping and unloading my cart into my car and I look over and about 6 cars down was a woman doing the same and she looks like you! I nearly yelled over "Cathy???" but then I thought - what the heck would she be doing shopping in PA! I certainly did a doubletake! Take care - Feel better!

  14. Hi Cathy,
    I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with some health issues and do trust that your Dr. will have some good news and suggestions for getting you back to feeling better!!! Sending thoughts and prayers for health and healing!!
    The pictures of your friends home are just wonderful and I would not want to leave either!!
    I just LOVE the old tree cookie cutter and how she displayed it....*swoon* and the old window is indeed amazing as well!! Truth be told, I love it ALL!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
    Please do take care of yourself my friend and feel better soon!
    Warm Hugs~~

  15. Lovely tour, Cathy. Hope you are feeling better soon. Sarah

  16. Lovely tour, Cathy. Hope you are feeling better soon. Sarah

  17. Hi Cathy,
    Hope you are feeling better soon. The tour of your friend's home is many great collections. Oh my...that Christmas tree cookie cutter is a real beauty! Thanks for taking us along!

  18. Hi Cathy,
    Your pictures of my house are wonderful. You are a great photographer and you make everything look so inviting. I enjoyed you and Lisa visiting very much. We always have a fun time whenever we can sneak some time to get together.
    So sorry about the bee bite!!! Not so much fun.

    My dogs, Punky and Buster, are brother and sister. I brought them home from the humane society almost 14 yrs ago as puppies. A few years ago I was reading an article in the Wisconsin Outdoor News and found out they are a breed called Deutscher Wachtelhund or German Quail Dog. I just love them as they are sweethearts. Have to give them a big shave every so often though.
    Thank you so much for including me in your always very interesting blog.
    Hope you will be feeling perky again soon.
    Your Good Friend Sue

  19. Feel better soon!!! Love all the photos, they are so warm looking!

  20. Sue has some fabulous collections and she displays them
    so artistically! Thanks for the lovely tour!!!

    Cathy, old Teddies may look a little frazzled, but they are well-loved and very precious, as are YOU!
    I hope the docs can figure out what's going on health-wise so you can feel better and enjoy your summer.

  21. cathy, im stopping back to look at your pictures but wanted to say i hope you are feeling better and i am thinking of you and sending many prayers my friend!

  22. What a lovely house and wonderful collections.
    your winnings are amazing!
    I am hoping you are just a bit out of sorts and all the tests come back great.

  23. It was so fun to see this post. I see the "cabin" photos are up. yay!!

  24. Well, so much for hoping you are well!! Sorry to hear you're having some health issues - hope they can figure out what's going on and get it straightened out soon. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I saw the cabin photos, but if I did, I've been reincarnated and gone back again! Sue's home is a piece of heaven!! So comforting and inviting - and she collects all the things I so love! The Putz, the papier mache candy containers, the candle molds, the pewter, the children's clothing and toys, the old bears! Yikes!! When can I move in? ;o) GORGEOUS!!! And congrats on the wonderful win from Linda! I have that Pat Cross book and really enjoy it - I actually hooked the cat rug on the cover and it's one of my all-time favorites!! Hope you're feeling better soon! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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