Friday, June 8, 2012

The Log Home! Come on Inside!!

I'm back again with the continued tour of my friend Sue's homestead!  Just steps from her house is the log house that she and her husband Eric so lovingly and meticulously moved to their property and restored log by log!   Of course this is where the unruly ground bee decided to hitch a ride into the cabin inside my jeans leg! This was Lisa's( on the left) first trip to Sue's and I was eagerly anticipating the look on her face as we stepped through the door into the cabin!  
If you've ever been to an authentic log cabin the first thing that you encounter upon entering is the deep woodsy  smell of the logs and an aura of history and "Little House on the Prairie" mystique!  So get ready to experience a return to the 1800's!
I'm warning you ahead of time to get the drool rag ready!  LOL!  Sue's little log house is filled with wonderful cupboards and things she's collected over a life time.  Again many family pieces like the Dentist sign above the door that came from her Grandfather who was a dentist!  What a treasure to have!

The wood Laurel cook stove has been restored and is fully functional!  Many pots of soup and chili are still warmed and served on this cast iron beauty!

Lisa is still in shock!  She didn't know where to begin looking!

Notice the old photo in the oval frame above the bed.  Sue was able to obtain this from the original owners of the log house!  They are the ones who built and lived in the house in the early days!

The log home is one open room with an upstairs!  Sue has old cupboards filled with wooden ware, enamel ware, crocks and her favorite thing to collect pantry boxes and firkins.......

.... and trunks full of linens, old ticking and more!! Don't you love this blue painted one with the great hardware!

 Another antique cast iron wood stove warms the cabin in the winter months.

This great early red painted wooden trammel light is one of Sue's recent purchases!  Does she have a good eye or what for those wonderful painted pieces!  

Sue is showing Lisa a scrap book about the cabin while it was being restored!  

A great old mustard colored painted cupboard holds early treasures!

I finally was able to talk Sue into having her photo taken!  ( I know the wind was blowing that day so our hair do's were a tad on the wild side)!  I told her she had to have it taken by this famous homespun dress!  Yes.... the dress was in the April 1992 issue of Country Home magazine on page 131.  It was borrowed from the lady Sue bought it from to decorate a home in Wisconsin that was featured in that magazine!  

( Sue has decided to part with this fabulous homespun dress.... $185.00  DRESS IS SOLD)  

Sue is willing to part with this homespun treasure!  It has been very well taken care of and loved for many years!  If you are interested in purchasing it from Sue you can email me for her email address.   

Well, there you have it!  Hope you enjoyed the tour!  I have to thank Sue for her hospitality and of course her willingness to let me share this on my blog!  The treasures of the past bring us all so many pleasures and the work of collecting and preserving these things is a gift to future generations!  
Blessings to you my dear friend Sue!!
Cathy G


  1. This is my dream home...all I would add is a porch. SIGH. Thanks to Sue for being such a good custodian of our history and thanks to you for sharing it.

  2. My dear Cathy G, a big thank you to you and Sue for allowing us a glimpse into her home, cabin and collections! Wonderful, wonderful tour! I do hope you can find an answer for your health issues and feel better very soon. I know the struggle my friend. Hang in there. Big hugs, Lori

  3. Cathy,
    I would like to add not only soup but many Thanksgiving chickens, turkeys, and Christmas hams have also been made from that stove.
    Thank you for the terrific tour of Sue and Eric's fantastic log cabin.
    It makes me want to add a little personal note. My daughter, Sue's granddaughter, spent the last 2 evenings sleeping in that cabin and it is the most wonderful and peaceful place to rest. I am so grateful my kiddos get a chance to experience the olden-days first-hand like this.
    Thanks, Cathy, and Thanks, Sue.

  4. What a great place to rest and relax! I bet any writer or artist would be at their best creativity there! Love the homespun dress!

  5. Hi, Cathy~
    Just Gorgeous~ the collections~ decorating~ my compliments to Sue~ she has done an outstanding job~ Wow~
    thanks for sharing~

  6. Wonderful ~ thank you! We actually own a log cabin waiting to be re-assembled like Lincoln logs but are thinking of selling it! This makes me want to change our minds! Your friend has put a huge amount of effort and time into revitalizing that old cabin!

  7. Hi Cathy,
    All I can say is WOW!!!!
    Ok, I guess I can also say AMAZING,
    WONDERFUL, DIVINE, PRIMITIVE PERFECTION, and a BIG THANK YOU to you and Sue for sharing!!
    I really enjoyed both posts and Sue has 2 beautiful homes that she has really invested in!!
    Take care my friend and hoping you are feeling better!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Warm Hugs~~

  8. Wow, WOw, and more WOW!!!! I don't even know what to comment on first! What an amazing place! And filled to the brim with amazing treasures!! (What's upstairs????) The first thing I noticed was the dentist sign....I love old trade/professional signs like that - but they're so hard to come by! And I LOVE that dress!!! where could I sneak that in?? (Gonna ponder that one!) But I think the thing that struck me the most was that portrait of the builders/owners of the cabin....How touching that their portrait still hangs in their home - what a sense of peace that must be for their spirits..... Thank you so much for sharing (and to Sue as well!) - sorry I've been MIA again - seems like once I get behind somewhere, it's twice the devil to catch up. That is my goal today - to catch up here. I'll be popping in and out as we have some construction issues going on here, but I'll try not to leave to many comments on past posts....but can't promise I'll be completely silent. Hope all is well with you and your part of the northwoods.....Stay cool. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. I had to wring out my drool rag. What wonderous adventures all those antique pieces could tell. Wish Sue's log cabin was closer and I'd go to sit a spell and imagine the day in the life of those whose lives and memories linger there

    Thank you for sharing.


  10. My hat is off to Sue, she certainly has a most amazing "primitive eye" with an incredible decorating style. How wonderful to have in her possession the photo of the original owners of this wonderful log cabin. Thank you so much for taking us along on this most amazing eye candy photo tour, I loved it!!!! Off to wring out my drool rag. Your friend from Maine, Julie.

  11. Cathy ~
    Thank you for sharing Sue's amazing home and cabin. I, too, have been drooling over all her treasures!
    Pug hugs :)

  12. Hello, oh my goodness what a beautiful little log cabin, wiping the drool away, so many wonderful old pieces. So primitive, Sue really has a talent for decorating and collecting, wow!! Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed the pictures, Blessings Francine.

  13. You are right, I am drooling...nice post. Blessings from Ringle, WI.

  14. Oh my goodness Cathy! What a fabulous house of treasures, and what a wonderful blog you have! I am enjoying all your posts tremendously!


  15. well what a perfect little while, i poured some fresh coffee and just relaxed and felt like i was there with you guys! great pictures, great friends and a great time! hope you are feeling better cathy!

  16. I love the elegant effect of this cabin! It has that rustic and unique appeal that you can only find in old houses. I can tell right away that Sue is giving gentle and thorough care to her log cabin. Inside, it seems to be like a classy mini museum. Kudos to Sue and everyone helping her to maintain this log cabin as beautiful as it looks today. =)

  17. Absolutely beautiful! i love the picture of the original owners. What an honor to the two that built thehome. My husband and I built our home with our own hands, maybe the future owners will hang my picture in my house!!LOL!

  18. DROOLING...and imagining myself living there.
    I just can't imagine being so fortunate to have that log cabin and all the treasures in it.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  19. I love your Log Cabin and all your wonderful treasures Sue.
    Thanks for sharing Cathy.
    Sending you a hug

  20. WOW, what a treasure trove! Wonderful pictures Cathy. How lucky you are to have Sue as a friend. Love the wood stove and heater.


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