Well, finally here is my completed rug which I am calling America. I guess that's a no brainer huh? As you probably noticed I changed the design a bit and decided to make the finished rug which is about 12 by 12 inches into a pillow. I've already had a couple of requests for the pattern and a kit or two ( I am working on this so beg your patience). The lighter blue background wool is one I dyed awhile back and do you think for the life of me I can find the paper I wrote the dye formula on! Sheesh! Lately things just haven't been going my way!
Case in point.... on Tues. my friend Lisa Halverson and I took a nice trip out to my friend Sue's place for a nice day of looking at her antiques and the restored cabin full of antiques on their farm. It was a beautiful day and while taking the short stroll from her house to the cabin I happened to walk across a nest of ground bees. I didn't realize one had flew up the pants leg of my jeans until I knelt down in the cabin to take a photo of something! OMG! I knew immediately I had a bee in in my pants!! The sting was for certain the sting of a ground bee for I have been stung by these vengeful little creatures before! A couple of years ago one flew up the leg of a pair of white knit shorts I was wearing and stung me in the tender flesh of the upper inner thigh! Now let me tell you that was no pleasant thing as the pain put me out of commission for a few days and I actually felt sick for a couple of days.
So needless to say I felt a little worried after this latest attack and as I dropped my jeans ( Sue was yelling at me " get those jeans off!"..... right there in front of everybody! Flashing through my mind also was the fact I had put on a pretty new pair of polka dotted underwear that morning instead of my usual kind of ratty ones with holes I wear around most days...... am I the only one? LOL!
I digress...... so back to the "sting" ..... the dirty little ground dweller flew out of my pants and disappeared somewhere leaving me with two pretty good bites on the lower fatty part of my leg and another near the knee!
I have been nursing these bites for a couple of days now taking ibuprofen and putting hydrocortisone cream on them with cold packs. They swelled up pretty good but fortunately I haven't gotten the flu like symptoms as in the past. I don't think I'm allergic to bees..... the durn things are attracted to me though it seems!
Well, my mission to take photos of Sue's house and her cabin ( which are both just out of this world filled with gorgeous primitives and antiques) to share with you did not get squelched! I bravely went on despite the numbness growing in my leg to take a lot of photos! I will share them with you shortly but here is one to wet your appetite!
Oh yes! How is this for starters? One of Sue's beautiful old blue painted cupboards with a stack of early painted pantry boxes! She has an eagle eye for collecting the good primitives and has been collecting for many many years! I know you will love seeing her house and cabin! I will post as soon as I can ( I have been trying to get ready for a garage sale at my mother's tomorrow and not much fun with my bee stung leg).
Bless your hearts for your patience!
Cathy G