Friday, January 6, 2012

What's the Buzz?

Time to get back to hooking a little.  This is the start of a small log cabin mat that is 6 1/2 by 7 inches. I'm using worms from the millions that have multiplied here. 
I thought this would make a good beginner project for my class that starts the end of Feb. What do you think? Too hard?
Hooking a geometric can be a little tricky for a first time project.

Although I think they would dearly love the finished product.
I'm hooking this on rug warp.
Have you tried hooking on it?  It's sort of okay. It's cotton. I don't think I'd hook a bigger rug on it though and nothing bigger than a size 8 strip.  
Just my opinion.

Oh..... one more thing.  I'm working on a new blog.  A place to try and sell some of my rug hooking patterns. 
I don't have my patterns quite ready yet but go take a peak. I do have a photo gallery of some of my rugs on there already.

Let me know what you think.

Cathy G


  1. I LOVE all of your hooked projects !! My oh my !! The other thing I noticed right away was your stashes of wool....ahhh..wool envy..shame on

  2. i did enjoy my visit to Red House Wool Studio i would definitely buy your patterns and i don't even hook but would love to add them to my "to do someday" pile.....cheri

  3. I love your header picture, the reds look great with the wood behind them.. I hope it all goes well for you. I love the log cabin look!

  4. looks great and boy you are tempting me with the white grinning jack o'lantern!

  5. I'm so thrilled that you are launching this site! I can't wait to see more offerings. The blog looks beautiful...and the pictures of the rugs are pure eye candy!

  6. The red wools in your header is enough to pull any hooker in. Best of luck with your new adventure.

  7. I like the log cabin block for rug warp for monks cloth either...I'm purely a prim linen is too short to hook on anyhting else!

  8. Looks great to me! The picture in the heading is beautiful.... and the winter blessings rug (in the gallery area) looks like it's fun to hook!

  9. I love the log cabin. One of my favorites, but not sure how it will go with a beginner. (only because I know some people are picky about color placement, and don't get the concept of lights and darks if that makes sense).
    I've used rug warp and enjoy it for smaller projects, chair pads (because it holds the shape well for being round when whipping). But wouldn't suggest going over a 5 or 6 cut! Too hard on the hands!

  10. Love how you log cabin mat is turning out...I have to a whole huge basket of worms I have to use up as well. Looking for ward to your new blog...Susan

  11. Cathy, I love your new blog header. I drooled all over your red wool, he he he shame on me. I was looking for your patterns but I didn't see any on the new blog just now.

    I can't give you advise on the monk cloth for beginners but if they never hooked on anything else they will at least get the experience of working with monk cloth and will not have a favorite backing yet. I learned on Jute backing and although I bought lots of linen backing, I still hook on whatever jute I have left. JB

  12. I don't know how to hook rugs, yet, but I would try the log cabin that you are working on now. I think anyone would love the end result. Your new blog header is beautiful as are your projects. I especially love the pine tree with the moon in the back ground. You definitely have an eye for color.

  13. Sorry, I hadn't scrolled all the way down. I love your pattern, you have such a tallent...

    I had even forgotten about your Forest Secret Challenge rug. That was a fun RHD Challenge with Sunnie., I don't know if you remember my Forest Secret Challenge rug of me hanging from a tree branch upside down with my prodded hair.
    Hugs, JB

  14. *****too much for a beginner. the woolfind contributor was spot on in her assessment. a small animal is always a good beginning because
    it is easy to hook, following the method of hooking the animal as if you are petting it, and
    with the eyes there will be circles, plus the paws too. ginger from primitives by the light of the moon always has something drawn very simply and that should give you some good ideas.

  15. Cathy Beautiufl rugs~ I would love to be in your class~ I keep saying I want to give it a try~ but don't know how to find the time~ looks so relaxing~

  16. Cathy ~
    I've never hooked on rug warp and tried monk's cloth and did NOT like that. Linen for me, please!
    Your new selling blog looks great! Good luck to you.
    Hugs :)

  17. I have never hooked a geometric rug. Good luck on your new class and your selling blog.

  18. I think your students will love that pattern Cathy! Also, good luck with your pattern shop. Your stuff is awesome, so expect a lot of sales. LOVE all the snow shots in the previous post. Our weather is soooo weird! Very nice out, but way unusual. I just commented over at Julia's and told her I had to chase a wasp out of the house yesterday. I mean really!

  19. I haven't been to your new site, but am dying to peek.
    I do NOT like rug warp. To me, it's worse than monk's cloth. At least with monk's cloth, you can break a stitch and put your hook wherever you want it to go. With rug warp, you have one chance and it's very unforgiving.
    For me, it's linen all the way, baby!!!!
    Now off to peek at that new pattern site.

  20. OK, I love your patterns. (Like I wouldn't?????) My very favorite is the birch trees.......they are birch, right? Funny, cuz Tammy B just mentioned loving birch trees and so do I.
    Beautiful pattern. (s). Way to go Cathy!!!!!
    Girlfriend, you got it goin on!!!!!!

  21. Good for you! Much success to you ~ you have great patterns!!

  22. Love log cabin mats! I think it is a great project for your class. I used to love hooking on rug warp. I loved the weight of it - so nice and heavy -- but I find as I get older (drat!) my wrist gets sore pulling an 8 cut through the warp, so now I use Dorr linen.

    Good luck with the patterns.


  23. Love the log cabin mat! Cathy: Wondered how much your Mr. Chill Snowman pattern is and what is the size? Love your blog and all of your rugs!

  24. Cathy: Congratulations on your new adventure! I'll look forward to watching your new business grow. Also, I think the log cabin block is a great idea, simple yet fun and, I think, much more interesting that filling big blocks with single colors (but then, I'm a scrap person and love them best). PS I have never used any of those cotton backings but think they look like they'd be annoying to work with...just sayin'.

  25. What a great way to start the new year!!! Kudos to you. I visited the other blog - will ponder what to order.
    Re the log cabin project - I think it is perfect for a first project. I have found that many of my new students prefer a geometric and straight line hooking at the very first. The curves and circles and diagonals are worrisome for many.
    And I am a rug warp devotee. My Santa is my first project on burlap in ages and it is driving me crazy.
    You go girl - in every direction. Maybe you will inspire me to offer some of my stuff.

  26. Good luck and congrats on your new business. I know you will do well. Just wish I lived
    where you could teach me how to these beautiful pieces.
    They will love this as a first project at least I know I would.

  27. Love your work, so glad to have found you on Pinterest today!..Blessings, ~Ronda

  28. Congratulations on the new rug hooking blog, I do believe it is going to be a big hit, along with inspiration for the rest of us. I so admire your work. If I lived closer I'd be knocking on your door daily, Winslow Homer too! I think the small log cabin mat is a perfect pattern for a first time rug hooker. My preference for backing is linen or hairless burlap. I do not like working on Monks cloth. Hope you are enjoying the New Year, greetings from Maine, Julie.

  29. cathy, thanx soo much for stopping by my new blog. i love it and getting to know all of you! i love your rug hooking and i honestly think if id have seen you in stillwater ida reconized you cuz i love your blog and your hooking projects. we will meet in the future at a hook in for sure! enjoy your day!


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