Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brain.... are you listening?

The last week or so has been hard on my brain.  Many decisions had to be made. 
Which project will be best for my new students? Which patterns will be offered on my selling blog, the sizes, how many, linen or paper, prices........
So what did I do?
Retreated to my studio to fold, fondle, stack and ponder my wool stash.
Oh yeah..... wool soothes, calms, inspires, warms and comforts.

I think the class project will be the log cabin mat.

I had to hook a couple of mats to figure out how to do it myself.  If you have hooked one of these where do you begin yours?  The red square in the middle or the outside border?  
Too many things taxing on my brain these days.
Speaking of taxing...... those pesky tax papers cover my dining room table as we speak.

So please stay with me as I continue to make progress on my pattern offerings.

I have four students signed up for class already!  I am so excited!  I hope they are too!  I have so many warm, fun, exciting and wonderful things to share with them!

Okay brain...... time to focus and use the side that makes the decisions. 

Cathy G


  1. I would be there in a heartbeat to hook with you! ~ loveLOVE your wool cupboard, and yes, taxes suck.
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  2. Because I am a quilter I would probably start in the middle /red square and work out from there. Your wool is to dye for. I am drooling.

  3. Hi Cath,

    I definitely have "stash" envy. Your wools are sooooo organized. Mine are lucky if they make it into the colour bins that they are meant to live in. And the pieces are so irregular, they aren't bold little soldiers standing at attention like yours. I totally understand the tantric effect of fondling wool. Works for me every time. I think I always started on the inside and worked my way out on log-cabin-type hooking. That way, you have some expansion room if needed.
    Your students will LOVE it and you!!! Thanks for the nice comments re the knitted goods. Glad the tip is helpful. Right now I am working on the warm weather clothes for Barbados - exciting!

  4. Hey Cathy! I'm the opposite - I would start at the outside edge and work my way into the centre. I've never really questioned 'why' before, it's just what I've always done.
    Good luck with your class -- I think it's a really great first project!

  5. You look SO organized!

    No I have not hooked a log cabin piece but want to after seeing yours in a previous post of yours. And I would think I'd start in the center???? be sure that all the hooked rows worked out evenly???

    So I will definitely follow this thread because I want to know the answer before I start one. SO, what did YOU do?


  6. I haven't hooked yet so I wouldn't know where to start. But I like the pattern very much, one of my fave quilt patterns. I hope you and everyone enjoy the class.

  7. Great wool collection...I'd love to do the cabin mat!..Enjoy your class..~Ronda

  8. I would love to just walk around your studio. Your colors are amazing. I would start with the red. I was taught to start from the middle and work out. and don't talk about taxes. yech

  9. As a newbie I would start on the outside so that I could hook a bunch before having to figure out what to do at the corner and to get in a hooking groove. Add me to the stash envy list. Glad to know that sitting in my craft room and touching my wool isn't weird, lol.

  10. Hi Cathy, I'm drooling over your wonderful selection of wool. I have hooked a log cabin runner and a few small log cabin mats. I have always begun in the middle of my square. Good luck, Julie.

  11. Hi Cathy,
    I would start in the middle with the red. I don't know why though....just the way I do things. I always start a new rug in the center and work out. Isn't wool wonderful??? It soothes the savage beast!!


  12. Mmmmm... loverly woolies! Your log cabin looks great! I haven't ever hooked one, so can't say I'd have a suggestion where to start...

  13. Cathy ~
    I love to fondle wool, too. It just feels so good. Want to come help me organize my wool a bit better?
    I've never hooked a log cabin square so I'm no help but they do look great!
    Hugs :)

  14. Cathy: As someone who has knitted and crocheted a bazillion log cabin squares, I start in the middle and keep rotating to the left. Having said that, I can't imagine why it would matter with a mat. I love your class samples; you have given me an idea for a scrap rug I've been wanting to do. Thanks!!!

  15. Love your wool in the cabinet and your log cabin rugs...wish I lived closer to you as I would sign up to be one of your students. Take care, Janice

  16. I would love to sit and hook with you - love your wool and wool room! Ohhh I would love to come and just sit! THe log cabin - i just draw a square and work from there - from the outside in -that way i don't stress myself out with those "lines"!


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