Monday, January 23, 2012

A Spark Ignites!

Life brings pleasant surprises every once in awhile.  They are especially welcome this time of year when the days are a little bleak, cold and sometimes frustrating.  The frustrating part of that includes the daily chores  which are  tackled with a kind of  forced gumption  or completely ignored like the "broccoli breath" that I noticed wafting from the throat-like drain of the real orange sink in my kitchen yesterday. The usual treatment of vinegar mixed with baking soda and poured down the fowl smelling pipe has  been neglected recently due to more pressing issues like taxes, pattern preparations, hours on the computer (working and Pinterest),  mother duties, wool fondling and sleeping.

So the pleasant surprise?  Yes indeed.  An email from Kelley Belfast of With Hook and Needle blog inviting me to join their group of talented ladies on Ebay called An American Primitive Gathering. You can find their  offerings on Ebay by clicking this link or typing in USAPRIM  in the search box on Ebay. There are some awesome punch needle pieces on there right now!
One of the things this group does is work together on a chosen pattern to keep each other inspired and motivated to keep hooking through dry spells. 
Dry spells, as in need new ideas, encouragement or possibly a new challenge to light the spark of creativity.  

The pattern Kelley brought forth is inspired by a neat antique rug that has inspired many rug hookers already to hook a version of it.
Some in the group are needle punching the design and some are hooking.
I chose to hook a smaller mat measuring 10 by 21 inches.
The photo above is the pattern I made by altering a photo of the rug in photoshop. By using the "find edges" tool and removing the color it leaves you with an outline of the main elements in the rug.

So here is my humble start.  I chose some plaid wools and lighter value textures to begin with. Of course there has been a little reverse hooking and I'm sure more as I progress. I have come to actually enjoy ripping out a line or two of something that isn't working.  I don't enjoy reverse hooking whole sections however and try to avoid that by really analyzing the way things look before I get too far along with one color.  
Our group would like to invite you to follow along with us by creating your own version either punching or hooking. You are welcome to drag or download the pattern of the photo above if you like.

I hear dogs whining for supper in the background..... or is that the sink burping again!

Cathy G


  1. cathy i love your rug!colors are great! congrats on the invite to the usaprim group! i am not surprised you are a very talented lady! i to am trying to tackle daily things that i really dont want to do and my radiators are singing.. i dont really notice it but everyone else does...ohhh i hope spring gets here soon.

  2. what a wonderful way to keep going through the dark months.
    congrats on being asked in.

  3. Your rug is really coming along and love the colors you have chosen.

  4. Love it! Looks great - and you sure got a lot done! I got mine on linen.....

  5. How wonderful for you, Cathy. I've seen this beautiful design from some others
    that are working on this rug. It's going to be so pretty. Congratulations
    on being chosen to join the group.

  6. What a fun thing to do to keep the winter blahs at bay...I like what you've done so far and look forward to seeing more. Hook on!

  7. Congratulations, how nice for you Cathy, your rugs are such an inspiration. Have you noticed the days are getting longer! Hugs, Julie.

  8. Hi Cathy,
    This group will certainly benefit by your joining them and I know you must be so excited to be asked! Congratulations!!
    The rug is wonderful and I love your version of it too....I have seen some others working on it as well and they all look great!! How fun and encouraging for all of you!!
    Thank you too for your lovely comments and for adding me to your list of blogs....I am so honored and blessed by that!!
    Happy Creating~~

  9. Your rug is looking awesome! And, thanks for the photoshop tip!

  10. Congrats on the invite...I think your work is wonderful and you will be a grand addition to their group. I love this rug challenge you all are working on...beautiful!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I deleted my first comment because I noticed I had spelled my name wrong...never a good beginning to a new day.
    Your rug looks wonderful...I love the primitive pattern and hope you will let us all see the end result. Off to get another cup of coffee, in hopes it will improve my spelling and typing skills.

  13. I like it!! You are so talented!
    Karen & the Hounds

  14. How exciting to be included! I love the design and your choice of colors! Congrat's!

  15. Cathy ~
    I am lovin' the start of your rug! I bought that pattern from the Woolley Fox and it sits in the closet with all the other patterns I want to hook...sigh. Just not enough hours in the day!
    Hugs :)

  16. You're a hoot. I love the hooking you've done so far. I look forward to seeing the finished piece.

  17. You have a great start on the rug... I can't wait to see more!

  18. Looking forward to seeing the rug, so good for you to be invited in their group.
    I copied the design from up top, I'm no woolie.(Due to my allergies & asthma, but I simply love all the designs!) I'm going to play with some cotton fabrics. I don't hook or punch, but I'm hoping to incorporate a bit of the rug into a table mat.
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. Oh wow! First, kudos on the personal invitation. Second, I love what you are doing and it will be nice to have a smaller piece to put on a chest or harvest table. Cannot wait to see the end result.


  20. this looks lovely already, cathy! --- i have been planning knitting classes, trying to get over my jet lag and keep peeking at my hooking - desperately wanting to pull some loops, but there has been too much going on, that needs to be addressed first. maybe today? i do have to show the hooking i am working on and the hooking ufo that i have pulled out of the closet..!! hugs - dag


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