Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My First Rug Hooking Pattern For Sale!

I am celebrating my first paper rug hooking pattern for sale on my new selling blog today! 
You would think it a simple thing to get a paper pattern printed and ready to go.
Living in a small town it took me five attempts at local businesses here to finally find an establishment to print one this size.  It is 17 by 19 inches.  He did a remarkable job with this as his business usually prints signs and decals and such.
I am very happy with the results!
So head on over to my selling blog Red House Wool Studio and take a look! 
More patterns will be offered as soon as I get them ready!

( maybe I'm getting too old for this!) 

Cathy G


  1. Congratulations! Love the pattern and I wish you much success with your new venture.Have a great day,Jen

  2. Yay! Cathy, I'm proud of you for taking the plunge. I think you'll do fabulous.

  3. Hi Cathy, Congratulations on your first pattern and your selling blog, deciding to take that first step toward something you want to do is priceless. I love the pattern, I have never done any rug hooking, something I want to try. Vicky

  4. Congratulations, Cathy! I like that you're planning to do paper patterns and that you finally found someone to do them correctly. Sounds like trying to get something done in Taos! LOL

  5. Love it ..just ordered one ..now I hope I can do it ..am a new hooker ..lol

  6. What a sweet rug Cathy! Love how you did the background. My very best wishes on your pattern sales. Good for you for not giving up! Hugs, Lori

  7. Congratulations!!! Here's wishing you lots of sales!! Cute pattern, too!

  8. Congratulations Cathy on your selling blog and on selling your very own pattern. I'm so proud of you. You are growing by leaps and bounds.

    I would buy a pattern but I know that I have so many UFOs to finish and I can't even find the time to work on my Childhood Memories rug. My memories will fade before I get it done. Hugs, JB

  9. congrats cathy on your first pattern for sale! may there be many more! i love that little log cabin mat i may have to try that. since i have a teacher right in front of me and instructions to boot! i had put my hooking upstairs out of the way over christmas and its still there.. time to bring in down to my sewing room! i have way to many projects going and need to settle on one! i love your hooking studio i want to come and just sit! with you! 5 students signed up so far great! is a good time of the year for students to get started. enjoy your day cathy and thanx for the great instructions and pictures on your mat!

  10. Awww you know this is one of my favorites! So glad your taking a new adventure into the pattern business! Wishing you lots of sales :)

  11. Age has nothing to do with it. YOU are so young at heart!
    YOU have enough talent for 12 people!!!!!
    Keep going. We love what you are doing.
    Go Cathy Go!!!!!!

  12. Cathy ~
    LOVE the pattern and I love that you are offering a paper pattern for those of us who have our own linen. I look forward to seeing many more from you!
    Pug hugs :)

  13. Love the rug!! I hope your pattern business is a success!! I love hooked rugs, but am not much of a hooker.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  14. Congratulations on printing your first pattern for sale. It's a winner!
    It's a beautiful pattern.

  15. Just trying to see if I can leave a comment. If it works, I want to say that I've never thought how much planning it takes to do a log cabin block and get it right. Kind of like the 'hit or miss' designing that is not at all random. Thanks for the tutorial!

  16. Hi Cathy!! So glad Robin Bird In The Hand Primitives sent me your link! Looking forward to following your blog! Love this rug!!!

  17. boy, i really have to catch up....
    i love your theoretical excursion on the squares! reminds me of my very first hooking project where i did indeed end up hooking the small red center of a flower first, just to hold the spot..! and it worked very well.
    i am soooo excited that you decided to create another site for your patterns -thanks for going through the trouble and noooo you are not too old for this!! i can't wait to see future patterns and i think your price is fabulous and soo affordable - more, more!!!
    happy sunday from sunny New Mexico - Dag


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